Mar 11, 2004 15:38
Honestly, I miss the Less Than Jake pit at Warped Tour when I was with him. I miss sitting in City Spot with him. And I miss sitting at the table at Rocco's and him coming back telling me he used the girl's bathroom. I miss standing with him and watching Fran chase some duck around the town. I miss sitting in the bagel shop and exchanging glares. I miss sitting on the chair that said, "Waiting For Santa." I miss taking walks to Subway and watching the Disney Channel in his room. I miss Wendy Weiner and the Hunterdon Art Museum. Most of all, I miss all the places I went and all the things I did when things were how they used to be with him. But I guess there is supposed to be changes like this. But I can say that they hurt, and I would give anything to go back to last summer and do it all over again up to January. Anything.
Hey thanks, thanks for that summer.
It's cold where you're going, I hope that your heart's always warm.
I gave you the best,
I gave you the best that I had.
You passed on the letters and passed on the best that I had.
I wish I could go back to last summer...