In lab at 4:12AM

Jun 11, 2008 04:12

Long time since my last post! I think only 2 people ever check on my LJ anyways... So once again it's a late night in my lab. I've been here since noon yesterday and I get to leave in about 15 minutes. Since noon I have had to take a sample of the water that comes out of the end of a rock every 20 minutes. Very geologic-like. Very boring also. I am in the LSU geology/Anthro/Geography building completely alone and blasting loud hip-hop/R&B music on the rather nice stereo my advisor has in here.

This building is real old, but very not haunted, however I want something paranormal to happen so much. It's an old building, in the South, with most of the lights off, at 4:00 something in the morning, and I'm alone. Get with the Civil War ghosts already...or at least ghosts of dead LSU geology teachers (3 died last year!).

Okay home time.
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