May 07, 2005 00:30
My mom called it poetic justice, but Mrs Baker was not there tonight. Ms Tschirhart was there for us. And she talked to us before the show. We were all sitting on the stage or on the floor in front of it. She is so inspiring. She made me cry. Courtney and Hallie saw me and then they started crying.
During circle, everyone was saying things, and then Joseph spoke, and he was crying. And I was crying. Basically everyone was crying. I was inbetween Michael and Javier. And they were playing all this sad music. So everyone was like crying their faces off when Jojo was talking. Then Nelson was like, "thats how we do it, Yoyo" and everyone CRACKED up. It was great. Then we all cleaned our eyes.
Scared square could not keep straight faces during MDBB. Campaign was gold, Carder was right in my face. I also saw Ms Stigset. I saw Sam because of the blue DF shirt he was wearing. I was just cracking up during that thing also. Danced my head off during Visceral Moon, my last Penny dance... Sad. Sadsadsad. Then Narrow Daylight, with the lettuce sleeved dresses, everyone said they messed up a lot. I didn't. Then... senior piece? I don't think I cried. I just imagined Claire's face when that stupid song started. Hahaha. When I was holding that weird pose I was like, okay, this is the last six counts I might perform for a while. I don't remember what I did. That cheesy fucking ending. Then we had our bows, and I was like, this is it. And I saw Ashley Sorrels crying, and I cried, and everyone bowed and cried. And ran off stage and cried. Ugh ugh ugh.
Then I went and saw my friends but I was really out of it. My brother and mom got me flowers.. um.. then I went home. First song on in the car was A Lack of Color, I banned talking.
Home ----> showered -----> la casa del Wolf para ver los dos episodes de OC. Okay, seths really cute, fuck zach... summer is cute but really annoying, marissa is annoying, ryan looked pretty good I'd say, that slut is... sluty, ryans brother-- he was just on cocaine! he's not really like that! FUCK sandy's wife, I am so mad at her. Sandy forever, he's the best guy, until you remember he kissed Rebecca, but I guess if I saw max henderson after not having seen him for 20 yrs, and he was going to disappear for the rest of my life, I would kiss him too. Anyway, bring oliver back. And of course she was going to get into a car accident-- two minutes left in the show, they are getting over their fight, both driving in cars, DUH. I did like the little fake out.
Then I ate some cake, watched some Celine Dion biography, and came home again.
I'm really excited about tomorrow. I wish I wasn't missing rilo kiley and prom. I would like to go to all 3. But df wins, cause I am a sucker.
Tomorrow I MUST go to the CAMh and see the TC exhibit. I missed the opening tonight because of LDT. Jonathan says he actually likes it, but Marty like, almost kicked him out or something, weird. I wish I could have gone... dressing up is fun. Bah, I'll see if I can take a looksy tomorrow.