
Nov 27, 2009 18:52

So, I just had one of those weird freaky moments.

Recently, Russell and I watched "Enchanted" (I think it was my third time to see it?) because I wanted to watch something happy. So, the music from it has been stuck in my head, particularly "How Does She Know You Love Her." So, today I pulled it up on YouTube, and I've been listening to it at random intervals. I've listened to it maybe six times or so today. A few minutes ago, I put down the book I was reading for school and pressed "Replay" on the video and then went to the webcomic xkcd. The newest comic is this, and the hover-over text is:

What? Oh, no, the 'Enchanted' soundtrack was just playing because Pandora's algorithms are terrible. [silence] ... (quietly) That's how you knooooooow ...

That's kinda freaky.

russell, videos, webcomics, music, movies

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