Keegan sucks

May 29, 2007 00:55

This is my newest myspace messege.

You are fucking pitiful. Its sad that you can be friends with someone who cheated on their boyfriend, and ruined their life and everything they had going for them. You have absolutely no understanding of the utterly horrific things that he has been been made the victim of through out his entire life, and therefore you cant even begin to understand how much he has completely devastated his own life, even though he is pathetic enough to lie to himself and others to attempt to justify him giving up upon himself. He knows that he has ruined his life, allowed eveyone who has abused him his entire life to force him to remain a vicitm, and hurt the only person who ever loved and cared for him in his entire life by cheating on me and destroying his life, the life of the only person I ever loved. He absolutely knows how much he has devastated and hurt me and him self. He knows this is the truth deep down, regardless of the bullshit lies he as fed to himself and attempeted to feed to other people in an effort to accept and justify his own utterly miserable defeats and failures he has chosen to afflict upon himself.

You could barely even begin to comprehend how much I dedicated to helping and saving that boys life, everything I dealt with, suffered through, sacrificed and jeopardized to help someone change their life and become who they wanted to be, because I truely loved them. I learned what it meant to honestly love and care about someone more that you do yourself. You could never even begin to comprehend the pain and misery I suffered through to watch that person destroy everything positive that they had become, only so that they could give up on themselves and ruin their life, by becoming exactly like the very people who devastated and destroyed their entire childhood and life. You will never be able to understand how much it hurt me to have the only person I every truely loved and cared for betray me and hurt me more than anyone has hurt me in my entire life. Even after all he had done to hurt me (cheat on me, break edge, go back to doing cocaine, and the so many other horrifically abusive, both mentally and physically, things he had done to me through out our relationship) I gave him a last opportunity to save himself and I promised that I would forgive him and not give up on him, and he refused, he had fully accepted the lies that he had fed to himself to justify destroying his life and remaining the victim he feels he deserves to be. At that point I realized that I had done everything I could but that I could no longer help someone save their own life if they no longer believed in themselves or wanted to. This has been the hardest thing for me to accept in my life. But I am going to accept that reality that, the relationship I had in my life has been completely destroyed and I am going to move on in my life- because that is all that I can do now, and unlike Pete I cannot allow my life to be ruined and devastated, I cannot give up on myself.

Even though I am going to move on in my life I cannot hide how I truely feel about the disgusting person that I have come realize that you are. You obviously know that you disrespected and betrayed me by reamaing friends with a person who has done this to me. But worst of all, you have remained friends with someone and stood by them while they completely destroyed their life and therefore supported them in that terrible destruction of their own life. You have allowed and fostered the destruction of one of your 'best friends' lives. You are completely repugnant, weak, and pathetic Heather. It will honestly make me happy to see you remain the ugly, fat, miserable cunt that you have made me realize you deserve to be.

You have lost all respect in my eyes- you are completely disgusting. Do not ever attempt to talk to me again, I unlike you, want nothing to do with pitiful scum bags.

Sorry I like petey.
Oh well.
Im a fat miserable cunt, lets hangout.
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