"WiLL yOu EvEr Be ThE sAmE?"

Dec 29, 2005 03:05

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friend? diana & janel & mateo & john & mike & devin & kels & nina & stephania
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? bf = lol ... gf = tenille
3. Lost any friends? i dont think so...
4. Gained any friends? some of the best
5. Met a new good friend? not really new...just better

[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? nope
2. Moved? nope
3. New school? next year
4. How many times on an airplane? never ever
5. Road trips? vacation with my cousins...u of i with my bests

[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? sometimes...i think im smarter about life...and more honest...and more open
2. New look: not really...hopefully somewhat improved
3. Any new additions? what
4. Biggest conflict this year? secrets and lies and fighting
5. Most depressed time this year? sometimes summer...sometimes last week

[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? i wouldn't say so
2. Did you get heartbroken? close to it
3. Who was your summer love? ahem...me and my boys...

[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? beginnings of summer and winter...but fall overall
2. Least favorite season? eh spring when its still cold and ugly
3. Good birthday? i had my birthday for week...days with everyone i love...thank you guys
4. Any snow this year? not enough
5. Highest temperature? why would i care

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out- kinda...i just stayed out later...and got caught
Met a person who will change ur life- maybe...i can't know yet
Kept your resolution- haha i doubt it
Got arrested- no arrests...but im starting a record for afterdark rebeliousness
Had a first something- yup yup
Smoked weed/drugs- nope
Did anything illegal- apparently so
Kissed a boy/girl- yup yup
Had a crush- always
Liked someone who didn't like you- again....always
Got bad grades- my calc first quarter makes me sad...i ignore the tests i failed
Got suspended- nope
Moved states- no
Learned an instrument- i can play jingle bells on piano
Went streaking- nope
Done something you shouldn't have- i would say probably...yeah
Kept a secret- i'm the best with secrets
Told a secret- maybe...but it takes a lot to get me to
Done something you totally regret- i try not to regret anything...i just look back and laugh
Changed your view on things- yeah definitely...but thats why i'm 18...have to pretend to grow up sometime
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