im itchin to do hair. i dont know why. here are a bunch of pix of hair cuts/colors that im REALLY interested in doing to someone .
if your hair is boring you and you want color/cuts, LET ME KNOW, theres are just a few of what i really am interested in learnin to do
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But, I'm trying to grow it out. I want it all to be shoulder-length eventually and then I can get it cut how I like. THe issue is that the back is way too short for me to do anything with it in the meantime -- it won't stick out anymore, but it looks retarded flat. I just cut along the bottom the other day so I wouldn't look like I have a mullet. Any suggestions? Thanks, girlie!! :)
id suggest that you cut the bottom slowly, like 1/2 inch per month to slowly get it into a bob (maybe) but about the back, i donno. id say you should cut some layers into it but i know you want it to all be one lenth.
let me think about this for a whle and ill reply back
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