Here comes the almighty post.
the anonymous post.
i'm gonna write something about/to people. but im not using names.
nor am i gonna tell you who's who.
nor am i going to allow comments.
a lot of people who im writing to dont even read this.
but im just gonna say what i gotta say to get it out and off my chest.
im done keeping my opinions to myself.
1. if you are so sick of this country, then leave. if you hate the public transportation, or the government, or the fact that there is no culture here, JUST FUCKING LEAVE. the us needs less people like you in it. get the fuck out. stop fucking complaining. you suck at life anyway. you are intelligent, yes. but you're relationship skills are lacking. a lot of your skills are lacking. you're annoying. you dont give a shit about anyone but yourself. you try to tell yourself [andotherpeople] things to make you feel better, when you're just a fucking piss face in the first place. eat some fucking food. grow some fucking balls and try new fucking foods. they're not going to fucking kill you, unless you are allergic to them, which i highly fucking doubt.
2. punk rock is dead. give it up.
3. i remember this one time, you called someone a creep. funny how things can change. funny how people can backstab someone else. funny how stealing is socially acceptable. funny how you lie. funny how you're a fucking cum guzzling whore.
4. i hate you above all people in the world. and your threats dont scare me at all. anytime you've threatened someone before, when its time for you to follow through with your death threats you say "oh man, lets just squash this shit." fuck you faggot. you're going nowhere in life.
5. i wish you'd do something with your life.
6. i didnt mean to be so brutal off the bat, but fuck. when you flirt with my boyfriend while he and i are together, thats negative fucking points for you honey. and then when you try to interfere with my new relationship, and beg and whine and cry to my current, and absolutely amazing boyfriend, and say "oh i've changed, ive changed" its hard to believe. i did try to apologize, i was in a bad position, and you have no idea what i've gone through in the past few years which would make me so territorial and defensive. so dont take sides without knowing the whole story. and i do, in fact, find it funny, that you thought what i did was immature, yet when someone else does it, its funny as hell. i do hope you can come around and see the light of day, and realize that the people you're talking to are absolute poison, but eh. ill let you find that out for yourself. and when you do, please. let me know. then, maybe, we can start off on the right foot. just as long as you keep your distance. i cannot let my guard down.
7. im terrible to you, and i know it. not in the bad abusive way, but in the, i should be a better friend to you way. i love you. more pretty much every person in the world. no joke. im just in a funk lately. and im pretty depressed. and im trying to figure that out. so i can be a better friend to you. but im happy you're back. i missed you more than you know.
8. i hate how things happen for us. i hate how i feel like part of you has changed in direct corrolation to me. i wish we could go back to the way things were. i wish that we could be as good of friends as we were. maybe that will come in time. i love you. i respect you. i look up to you in many ways. you DO know me better than almost anyone on the planet, and for that im grateful. im happy that when im in times of great distress, i can call you, and you can snap me out of it. i wish i would snap out of it for a more extended time period, but hey. something is better than nothing. i hope you are not upset with me for any of my decisions. i hope you are not upset at me for anything.
9. i suck at being a friend to you. you dont have a livejournal. but i love you.
ill write more later.