So, I got Tuesday parking: Paradigm Shift, Much?

Jun 18, 2007 04:14

It meant the world to me to finally get home after closing SBUX and after 15 minutes around the block I found all-day Tuesday parking. Meaning I don't have to worry about moving my car until Tuesday from 8-10am. Street Cleaners need clean streets to clean...

As soon as I had got my backpack, keys and free sandwiches/fruit & cheese plates in order I was off. But I had to check the sign. As I approached I heard "hey, you got a cigarette?" I replied "No, sorry".

I waited about two seconds before asking the one question I hope everybody eagerly awaits:

"You want some sandwiches?"

uh, sure

I dig through and find a couple of the regular sandwiches, the "baguette" ones and after 3 I head off. Halfway down the street I realize I never checked the sign. Better yet, I had an excuse to do what I should have done anyway. As I headed back I saw he had already woken his mate, and she was groggy, getting up while cocooned in her sleeping bag. When I was approaching I said "hey, while I'm here, have the rest"

..oh.. thanks he said with much surprise. He smiled, gratefully.

I caught a good look of his face and realized the man was just as I thought before; I saw he was at most 10 years older than me. Not even close to that. He had tattoos on his face, which weren't bad - he looked like a regular punk rocka. I didn't judge him, I just knew he needed that more than me.

I wanted his name, but I didn't want him to think that he owed me anything for giving him something. His name is his. And I pray to God they progress from good food to better food, to better shelter, but God knows that isn't gonna happen soon enough.

Fuck the excess. This is why I don't go out and party. This is why I don't go out and date and treat myself to whatever and whoever. It's because I cannot relate to these idiots who crawl drunk across this very sidewalk aside my apartment.
I tell myself; I lie:
"yeah, I think
they find Love when in fact they find liqueur, STDs, Erections, Orgasms, broken hearts, heels, bras, condoms, buttons, jewelry and bank accounts.

I just cannot crawl low.

Lower than the homeless.

Paradigm shift, much?


pray, parking, tuesday, paradigm, love, homeless, prayer, sbux

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