Dec 14, 2005 15:31
Take the first sentence (or few) from the first post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review.
Jan. This weekend was the most fun I have had in a billion years!
Feb. I now have a broken collar bone.
Mar. I can't sleep. I'm sitting talking to Joe Junk-in-the-trunk and writing pointless entrees in this here journal.
Apr. Noting good ever comes out of Texas... Look what we go we got, the Texas chain saw massacre and George W. Bush.
May. Ohh man Tyffani and I had some good times Saturday. We "played chicken" with a seagull, and won.
Jun. So this last three day weakend was great! I hung out with tyfani and her friends alot.
Jul. I haven't been home all that much. I will be on the computer more now though because I got in trouble on Friday night because i came home late for curfew I have to be home at 9 every night for two weeks
Aug. So I'm grounded... I have been grounded for almost a week and a half now. It really sucks because all my friend tell me about all this fun stuff they are planning on doing, and I can't do any of it!
Sep. The funniest weekend I have had in a long time. Ryan had the house to him self so I spent most of the time over there.
Oct. I had a LAME weekend. I don't understand how you can say you still love somebody but break their heart.
Nov. So much has been going on I don't even know where to start. Right now I couldn't ask for more.. I have every thing I want; I have a boy friend that cares a lot about me, I have a few good friends (who also care a lot about me), I have two great jobs, and I have my family. I'm really happy with what I have.
Dec.I have had pretty much the best week end i could ask for! Enough said. Tyffani, Remember that text I sent you, The one drew wanted to see? We need to talk just put it that way.