[Locked to Torchwood]
The time has come, ladies and gentlemen, both to put a stop to Hart's social terrorism and to test the efficiency of a combined Torchwood operation. This is a plan with a lot of room for contingencies, so get to know your roles pretty well. Roles, and not tasks, will define this one.
The skeleton of the plan is simple: draw Hart into the open, subdue him, and get him back to the basement cages. For the operations stage, we'll be divided into three teams: point, wings, and support.
I'm point. My job is to lure Hart out. I'll make a journal entry offering to meet him on neutral territory. He'll specify a place, probably one removed from the hotel and either very public or very defensive. We'll just have to deal with that as it comes up.
In the wings will be Revan and Daniel. (Hope you don't mind we're on a first-name basis in Torchwood.) Your jobs will be to follow me at a distance and subdue Hart as soon as he's offguard. Revan will make the primary attempt, immobilizing him long enough for me to relieve him of his wrist device and get a sedative into him. If that fails, for whatever reason, Daniel, you have permission to shoot. Shoot to disable first; specifically aim to keep him from activating the device he'll be wearing on one wrist. It functions as a teleport, and we don't want him getting away. As a last resort, you are authorized the use of deadly force.
Support, your roles start earlier and are more loosely defined.
To start with, Toshiko. You're our operations center, for this one. I'll help you with a program which will allow you to track my wrist device - any dedicated tracking device I carry will be detectable in a scan, and that'll give the game away. Fortunately, a Time Agent always expects another to wear his wrist device. I'll set it up to receive text and transmit low-quality sound, both of which should pass under the threshold of any scans he is making. But be aware that when I say low-quality, it'll be low-quality; you'll have to scrub and enhance it as it streams. In addition, you'll need to equip Daniel and Revan with hands-free comms, and help Owen and Juliet in securing one of the cages. We don't want him weaseling his way out. A two-key security system might be nice.
Sam, I'm going to apologize in advance, because your job's going to be no fun at all. I need you to listen in on whatever conversation Hart and I have, and this is where I say I'm sorry, because both of us are going to be lying through our teeth. But depending on what he lies about, you may be able to keep us a step ahead of him. Or at least not a step behind.
If we can request Penny's help on this, she'd be a valuable contingency measure in case Hart has something up his sleeve that means we won't see his face. Especially if she can give us point-by-points of his whereabouts and relay them to the wings.
Owen, Juliet, whip up the strongest dose of sedative I can shoot someone up with without killing them outright, and put it in the smallest syringe you can find. Preferably one which won't break, given some mistreatment. And help Toshiko make a cage suitable for long-term human habitation. Once we get him in, we really don't want to have to move him.
Gwen, Ianto, stand ready to assist Toshiko with anything she needs. There's going to be a lot of information shooting back and forth on a lot of lines of communication; the two of you are going to make sure none of those lines get tangled. Gwen, if anything knocks me out of the game, you're to take charge immediately. Assume for most intents and purposes that this is our one shot at Hart; withdraw only with non-point members' lives in extremis.
Any questions, any concerns, you'd better get them out of the way now.