It's snooooowing! Yay!
I hope that I don't have class tomorrow.. that would totally make my week. I have to do a graphics design project for Weds and I didn't start it yet.. and let's just say, waiting until the last minute to do things is my specialty.
So, me and my mom were talking this morning.. and I was explaining to her about how hard it is to go to school and work at the same time. I told her that I feel as if it's hard for me to have a life and be able to do things that are more for personal reasons. I mean, school is something that I need to do for my career and work is something I need to do for money... but to actually fit something in my schedule that is TOTALLY for me and something that I would actually have fun doing... it's rare, and I'm not happy.
So then.. I asked her if I could take singing lessons and do something that I wanted to do. Pretty much, she agreed.. of course I have to pay for them, but the only problem she had was worrying how I was gonna find a good teacher. So, that's where I'm at now.. asking around and looking around attempting to find a teacher that has good credentials. I didn't tell her about me wanting to audition for broadway one day, but.. she doesn't need to know that until I'm up to that point. I'm pretty excited though because now I got permission from her to do it! I asked her to help me, so yeah... I am going to start looking tomorrow after I finish up my project for school. So yay!
We were also talking about school. I told her that I feel as if I don't have a chance to feel young anymore. Like, right from high school I hopped into college and college is just really tough. I don't have it easy like some others do. The people that go away to college make it sound so great.. but they live in a dorm with friends and have fun on the weekdays. Most of them don't work and they don't really have any real reponsibilities. So basically it's like.. I'm young, and I want to feel it.. I feel as if right now there's too much on my plate. So, I told my mom that after Nassau I was thinking about taking a semester or two off to kind of settle.. think about what I wanna do and be positive about it. And you know what she said? She said she thought it would be a good idea. I'm feeling a little better.. I just wish I could graduate Nassau and get to that point. Now that I'm back from vacation I feel unhappy again because I'm in school... I just hate it.. I want to relax.. and I can't.
Monday : School - 11-3:15 Work - OFF
Tuesday : School - 8:30-3:45 Work - 6-9:30
Wednesday : School - 8-3:15 Work - OFF
Thursday : School - 8:30-3:45 Work - OFF
Friday : School - OFF Work - 6-9:30
Saturday : Work - OFF
Sunday : Work - 1-6