Hi all!
This is my first time posting on the Hey Arnold! Livejournal, and I'm very happy to see that there are still HA! fans around!
I would like to start my post by mentioning this new site I'm making called "Hey Arnold! A Critical Analysis". You can think of this site as an extended character bio, or as a site that identifies/explains some of the themes/patterns seen in the HA! series. In other words, this site was created with the intention of being used as a resource for HA! fan-artists (i.e. fanfic writers, fanart artists, fanvideo creators, ect.) so that they are able to improve themselves as HA! fan-artists.
The site is fairly new, and therefore not completed. There's a lot about HA! to talk about! But, I will continue to update it. :) Currently, the site is only being updated by 1 person (me), but as a "critical analysis", I would like to keep an unbiased and varied view on the themes/characters of the cartoon. As a result, I am also looking for contributing writers to the site (a Wordpress account is required). If you are interested, let me know. :)
More information in the "About" section on the site.
http://tendraheyarnold.wordpress.com/about/ Anyhoo, the url to this site is
http://tendraheyarnold.wordpress.com/ Please have fun poking around the site, and spread the word if you can, especially to the fanfiction community!
- Tendra
(Thanks for reading!)