blast from the past / chat / jungle movie storyboards

Aug 08, 2012 18:11

Hello Hey Arnold! LJ! Man, this place has changed a bit since I last posted. Which, scrolling back through older entries, was way back in February 2009. -->

The last new posts I remember seeing from that point on were from late 2009/early 2010, which is also the last time anyone made use of the old Hey Arnold! chatroom.

I should probably introduce myself since I don't see any names I know anymore. I'm part of the older generation of fans, and you may have heard or have been a member of my HA! site called Arnold's Room back on MSN Groups (I'd give a link via The Wayback Machine but it is not working). It was there from 2002-2009, and it was eventually moved to Multiply when MSN closed and I have more or less stepped back from the fandom after being involved in it heavily for several years. If you did follow my site and re-apply for membership back when it went to Multiply, you should still be getting notification e-mails when I or others post messages, and I realize now that out of the slim 66 members I have (down from the 800 I used to have) some don't get the messages anymore, some do. My posting rate is about 0-5 per year, as once in a while something noteworthy comes along in the fandom or about the show to post about.

That's why I'm here. To drum up interest for a chat, in the old "Cocoa Hut" chatroom, for what would have been my website's 10th birthday. While you can chat about the show, I'm interested in interacting with people I used to know and talk about pretty much anything. It is a last call I guess, as I found out Multiply will be getting rid of their social networking in December 2012, so my site is possibly toast for good. The old Java URL for getting to the chatroom is no longer active, so you need a chat client.

Instead of retyping everything I'll post the link to the details of the chat, and the Jungle Movie storyboards that recently surfaced.
If you haven't been getting e-mail notifications from my site and are a member, check out the past journals (not too many since 2009) to make sure you haven't missed anything.

Try and spread the word about the chat (hopefully a date I can keep), the storyboards, and that the last scraps of what was a very good website and important to the HA! fandom may be all gone by the end of 2012.

PS: You should also get notifications as a member when anyone posts videos. You can find several HA! related videos that were axed off Youtube that I saved before they were:

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