This idea of a week-long Cheese Festival has been bouncing around in my head for ages. I've now set a date. July 16th-20th. The main feature will be an anonymous ficathon, but there will also be games and hopefully a lot more. This will be one big Hey Arnold party! More details will be forthcoming right here at
hey_arnold. But in the meantime, I want to give those of you a heads up who might be interested in volunteering some of your skills or otherwise make plans to participate.
In particular I'm looking for graphic artists for the following:
+ Picspams! A good old fashioned picspam is a fun way to celebrate your favorite character/episode/scenes/misc. You have the flexibility of any Hey Arnold subject matter you'd like to focus on. Any volunteers? I recommend poking around at
fandom_picspams for some inspiration!
+ Banners! Both the Cheese Festival itself and the ficathon will need banners. (CF banner requirements are
here at my journal; ficathon banner requirements are undecided until the question of official title is resolved. ;P)
And if anyone wants to post fanart, icons, discussions, gifs, fanfic, polls, essays on cheese, whatever your little fan heart desires, I'd really LOVE to see some of those things. It's still 10 days before we start, this gives you some time to think about it.
I posted a slightly more fleshed out entry about this last week
over here at my journal, as well.