"And every time you do a shot, I want you to say 'Jones'".

Oct 31, 2011 17:59

She was pissed off about the traffic. That's what she'll remember a few hours later when she's crying her eyes out in Garcia's arms. The last thought she had about Jonesy while he still drew breath on the planet was 'this had better be good'.

It haunts her for awhile, when she closes her eyes. She sees him lying there with his eyes wide open, a dead man's gaze; she hears Jim's crying. She hears the sound she made; a gutpunched moan. It's immortalized in the footage that airs a month later, a permanent record of her agony.

They had been lovers for a century; she never expected anything more from him, no mater what Raineesha said. Yet it feels like someone's pulling something vital from her; some secret inner part that's weeping and aching.

She focuses on the pain. It's all that keeps her from remembering the fact that she's lost Sam on top of it all, isolating her even further.

He wanted to go that way. She's still alive. That makes her selfishly glad.

That's the worst part of all.

oom, reno

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