
Jun 29, 2006 15:03

1. Are you wearing a necklace?
Yesm. Pearls.

2. Does your computer have a mouse?
Nope. Laptop.

3. Crush?

4.what color is your shirt...
Stripey white and orange

5. How many bedrooms do you have in your house?
3 1/2.

6. What song are you listening to?

7. What was the last mall you've been to?
Vancouver I believe...No wait...Pioneer square.

8. Are you alone?
Yes. :(

9. Do you have any older siblings?

10. What is the last thing you ate?
French fries from BK.

11. Who was the last person to come over to your house?

12. Who was the last person to call you?

13. Who was the last person who texted you?

14. What should you be doing?
Cleaning my bathroom

15. Who is the last person you IMed?

16. Did you go out to eat yesterday?
Yes, Roses :)

17. What are you thinking right now?
I'm hungry and Charlotte needs to call me bacccck.

18. What color are your pants?

19. What color is your keyboard?
Grey and dark grey

20. What do you feel like eating/drinking?
Uhmmm...Nachos sound good

21. Are you in college?
Running start?

22. What is the last thing you wrote?

23. Are you bored?
Yes sir.

24. How many teeth do you have?
None, I'm a hilbilly. Uhm, no...I dont count?

25. Do you wear glasses?

26. What color are your shoes?
I'm barefoot

27. Last thing you drank?
Organic Tazo green tea <3

29. What are you doing right now?
Talking to Alex

30. What are the last words you said?
Okay, bye.

31. are you wearing clothes...

32. Best part about today?
Uhm...I get to hang with Alex, and my Charlotte is back!

33. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be and with who?
JAPAN now. With anyone. :)

34. Do you like llamas?

35. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger?

36. Where is your cell phone?
On my stomach

37. Do you have any friends named Robbie?

38. Do you have any friends named Nikki?

39. Do you have any friends named Mary?

40. What were you doing last night?
hanging with Dayne and surfing the web and sleeping

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