Nov 03, 2004 13:31
Last night when it started turning that Bush was winning I was really angry. I had to turn off the TV and go to bed after Florida went to Bush. I couldn't believe how many people voted for him and I was mad at how many people my age didnt vote even though they could have made a big difference.
But now, after waking up and seeing that many states are being contested but most agreeing that they will go to Bush, I just feel dejected. Today is going to be a depressing day. I have really lost faith in the 51% of the people in this country. Blah. What was the point of voting at all.
im dedicating this day to these lines...
What the world needs now, is love sweet love. Its the only thing thing that theres just too little of. No, not just for some, but for everyone.
Im trying to be optimistic about the next 4 years, but it is very hard. Its hard to think of what to say becuase sometimes I really angry and then other times I?
Only 17% of people 18-29 voted. What is wrong with the other 83%?
Im trying to hold myself back from saying things that I will regret.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
I dont want to see a picture of Bush. I dont want to hear his stupid voice. I dont want to read about him. see his stupid smirk...i dont want to talk to anyone who voted for him...right now im embarassed to be an american. knowing that i live in nyc is the only thing that is keeping me somewhat sane.
To the people who voted for Bush because of the war on terror.. Good Job! Its really smart to elect the guy whose actions have made the world hate us evern more. Yeah, thats what we need to make people stop attacking us, more hate. I congratulate you on making the stupidest decision of your lives.
To the people who voted for Bush because he is a culture conservative like you... Another job well done. Not only will Americans be hated but now they will be taking major steps back in equality and freedom for all people.
To the people who voted for Bush because their businesses will profit...You are worse than the other 2 groups. I hope you all feel better by making money at the expense of Iraqi people, the environment, and the many other groups that are being suppressed by globalization. Happy Oil Day!
One word: Karma.