kimmie's 21st bday

Nov 19, 2003 02:38

y me? so i go to a british yes british pub with kimmie and her bf tonight and i proceed to get harassed by the only 3 black men in the place. don't get me wrong, i'm not racist or anything but the only three in the whole place and they decide to follow me around the whole night. telling them i had a bf doesn't seem to work so i decide to just sit back and enjoy it cuz their lines r ridiculously funny. one of them tells me that if i go home with this guy i will have such a good time that i'll think i'm at disneyland and won't leave for days. they'll have to put my face on a milk carton, thinking i'm missing and shit. who the hell comes up with this kind of shit? well anyway the night goes on and they still won't leave me alone so kimmie decides to claim me and threatens to fight them for me, hehe i love kimmie (mind u i'm sober this whole time cuz i'm driving). well all in all i told this story to make a point. the point being: what the fuck is wrong with my life? this is a daily occurrence. y can't i meet normal people. well anyway enough blabbing , i just hope it'll change soon or maybe not; if nothing else its a source of comic relie
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