Jan 08, 2005 01:48

Ok so apparently the last time I wrote anything was before I left, so, update time, starting with Florida.

First night, we went straight to my aunt's house. Despite the fact that this is from my hispanic side, we really don't have THAT many relatives. However, her husband is Dominican, and they breed like friggin cockroaches. When we walked in, they were in the middle of some sort of family party and there was barely enough space to walk across the room. At some point I went to this beer/cigar shop with my father and cousin just to get out of the house. By the time we got back, the amount of people there had nearly doubled and we couldn't even get the door open. Fucking nuts. Finally left and went to the hotel.

The rest of the trip followed a pretty regular pattern with a couple of exceptions. I had a god awful cold from about the second day until now. It's just about wearing off. The reason I was there in the first place was that my brother was playing in a baseball tournament in Disney, so most of the mornings consisted of my family going off to the baseball field and me sleeping in (except for one day that I went and they played a team from Montreal and kicked their asses pretty badly). The rest of the day would include going to a Disney park, eating a turkey leg, going on a few rides (or not if I was too sick) and then going to dinner. I met a girl there but things didn't work out oh well she was purty but pretty irritating.

Since I've been back, every day has pretty much been the same too. Wake up, play Baten Kaitos, eat dinner, shower, play Four Swords with whoever can make it, go to Applebees, continue playing Four Swords. And somewhere in between I found out that I don't have a job anymore because Gamestop is not in fact keeping a few seasonal employees as they were going to, so no one gets to stay.

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