(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 19:52

"OK oMg OmG I was playing the other day and someone hacked me then i got standbyed and they had the ghost on tyhe roof and they were shooting me with snipers on like warlock and it wasnt fair because those stupid hackers were giggling like little monkeys or something and it reminds me becaue they only done it on the new maps but i rememembered i havent even downnloaded the new relic etc so i was wonderign like are the worth downloadign because i friggin downt want to downloda some bad mpa just because i should be like omg bungie i lub you bungie and allll i actualy wanna knwo if its worth downloadin and all so some one gime an anser because i dont got all day speaking of days tomorow i am going to my buds jessse 's house and its a halo party im not sure if that means its gunna be halo one or haki 2 beacuse usualy when people say these days im gonna play halo that refers to either halo 1 or halo 2 so i hope its halo one because it might be fun to play because with al this hype abnout haklo 2 and all these days i havent even toucvhed my halo disc for what seems like YEars and its funny beacuse i actually think that its more fun to play ha,o1 because its got better things lik e the pistol and you dont have to look at your legs all the time its kinda wierd how in halo 2 you cannot even play hog wars dont gt me wrong i think the new hog is sweet with all the explosions ect but i wish it was like in halko 1 when people would ram and then just go filying bboy does it feel good to be back here at hbo i havent been here in a while and maybe ill make a montage because that sseems to be what everyone and there great grandmother, suzie bee, is doing these days and i like to hop n the patty wagon, too. it s ufnn to use periods but some people dont think i use enough but i prefer the mbecause its jinda like starting off a new thought or enmding your previous thuogh t i like to think alot and sometimes i prefer just kinda sitting there whil e i watch the television set and just think to myself: why is it that we do what we do. i really wanna know why people sit at home all day with a soda pop in one havd and a nintendo controller in the other and just sit there all day just sitting alnd playing the nintendo. i prefer doing thinks like going exploring or pretending im an astornoat and sometimes i invite ted over and we play cowboys and indiansits funny because this one time i skinned my knees and got a huge scab and wnet around showing everyone and they thought i was tough, i didnt even cry and my mother todl me that one day ill be a police cop and jhust sit there with a donut in one hand and a badge in the other and just think of all the time i wastedd when i was paying on the nintendo i play nfl blitz the other day and was so wierded out beaues i made my own plays it was fun i wanna play halo one sometime becuase itll bring back good memoris like not having to see your legs when you look down and things like that.

if anyone wants to hit me in xbc just hit me up on aim and maybe you can hit me up with a message telling me what uyor xbc account is so you can hit me up on it. my aim is: FranZhooSt

hit me up!

dont be trippin fewl! i feel kewl whebn i say that and i like to feel cool so ocassiaonly i just say it so there you go."

Is it me or did it get really dumb in here all of a sudden? HBO forums are starting to suck :(
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