One of the cats peed on the bed, so we've been sleeping on the downstairs couch/bed thing until we can get the mattress cleaned properly. Gross, I know. ANYWAY, the turtle tank is downstairs and so I can see and hear it as I'm going to sleep. I've been having certain elements reoccurring in my dreams whenever I sleep downstairs.
[actual dream]
my dream consisted of me waking up several times in the same place that really was sleeping and i would see the turtle tank. it looked different. the whole filtration system was completely changed. at some point it seemed that my dad had fixed it up for me. nothing notable in that part of the dream really. just noticed a difference.
the next time i 'woke up' and saw the tank, there were little fuzzy baby birds nesting over the tank. and they were learning to fly, and they kept falling in the tank, and my turtle would eat them. that part made me pretty sad.
the part that reeeeeeally stuck with me and weirded me out comes next. it seemed that now that my tank was new and different, there was another tank in the room. this one had a few small stone sculptures in it. there was some certain condition of the water that would somehow make them come alive and swim around. i just remember seeing a stone figure swimming around as flexible as an eel or a knifefish and looking at me and eating little things out of the water. it just felt way too strange.
on 'paper' now this doesn't seem like too much. but it's still creeping me out hours later.
this comic was the reason i have decided to write these things down.