Mar 20, 2005 20:42

Fun little survey. Please read and fill out :-) Much love! <33

*I miss somebody right now: yes
*I love oldies: not really
*I love sleeping: yup
*I own lots of books: ya some...but i havnt read hem in like forever
*I wear glasses or contact lenses: nope
*I love to play video games: um..i cant remember the last time i did
*I believe honesty is usually the best policy: yup
*I have acne free skin: ya ya!!!!
*I curse frequently: HEHE
*I have changed a lot mentally over the last year: i think so
*I like someone at the moment: yes i do...and i think i luv him
*I have a hobby: yep! dance and WAY more...
*I've been told I have a nice butt: yes
*I've broken someone else's bone: NO
*I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: i don think so
*I love rain: when I'm inside or mi hair isn't getting screwed up!
*I'm paranoid at all times: no
*I love sushi: HATE IT!
*I have semi-long Yes
*I have at least one brother and/or one sister: ya a sister who's 10
*I was born in a country outside of the U.S: no
*I shave my legs: YA, and if i didnt it would be scary
*I have a twin: no i dont
*I like the way that I look: ya ya
*I have mood swings: sometimes hehe
*I think prostitution should be legalized: ewwww no way!
*I think Britney Spears is pretty: NOPE
*I enjoy talking on the phone: yes!
*I practically live in sweat pants or PJ pants: only when I'm home
*I love to shop: YAY it's soo much fun!
*I would rather shop than eat: ya i would,wat kinda question is that n e way???
*I would classify myself as ghetto: No r u crazy?
*I'm a pretty good dancer: yes i am very good
*I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother: not really..only if she does something embarrasing..and she usually doesnt.
*I have a cell phone: YA HUH!!
*I watch MTV on a daily basis: not really but i do watch it
*I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months: NO!!!
*I've rejected someone before: into a group? i don think so. a guy? ...none of ur business..hehe.... but sorta, ya
*I've graduated college: NO im in 8th grade!
*I want to have children in the future: yeah, 3 girls
*I have changed a diaper before: yup...
*I bite my nails sometimes: not n e more!!!
*I have at least 5 away messages saved: dude!!!!! like 100
*I enjoy country music: sure...kinda!
*I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza: pizza hut pizza is good
*I watch soap operas whenever I can: noooo
*I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all: EWWW NO WAY!
*I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it: sometimes...depends on the episode
*I'm happy as of this moment: yes sirry bob!
*I have gone scuba diving: no, i would have a panic attack hehe!!
*I play a musical instrument: well yes and not gonna explain but all I'll say is.....guitar
*I strongly dislike math: i don like it but i don despise it!
*I'm procrastinating something right now: yeah
*I think The Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest things ever: this is sad but ive never seen any of them
*I'm obsessed with the TV show "The OC": not obsessed but its a good show
*I think Scottish accents are very attractive: no...
*I speak another language besides English: little bit of spanish
*I think I'm pretty: yes i do..not in a conceited way..hehe
*I have a boyfriend: i told u that i liked someone but the name remains a like 6 or 7 ppl know and he's not my bf...

All i have to say is that my friends are my life..if i didn't have them i dont know wat 2 do...and especially these ppl....REBECCA, ALEXIS, NICK, ALEX, LIZZY, GABBY, ALLYSA, ANISSA, SEANDIZ, and ELISSA. dude u guys rok!!!!! oka nd if ur name isn't on here that doesnt mean i dont love u!!!!! hehe. LUV ALL OF U!!!!!!!
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