Mar 02, 2009 15:49
Watchmen, the greatest comicbook ever? Really? Why? Watchmen is a melodrama, like one would see on the afternoon soaps. This attempt at creating supposedly "real" superheroes is simply Mr. Moore dragging everyone down to his venal and puerile level. All people are not psychotic perverts and I rather doubt that all superheroes would be either. Mr. Moore seems to be exorcising personal demons in his books, including League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and V for Vendetta. If he can't be a hero, and a good decent person, then I suppose no one can in his mind.
And "unfilmable"? Why again? Becaue the special effects weren't up to what everyone thought they should be? It surely can't be because of the story.
If one wants "real" people as capes then Marvel did it before Frank Miller and Alan Moore. And these were "real" and not just villians called heroes for the jollies of writers.