Yesterday: Not a good day at all, at least as far as NaNo was concerned and rl wasn't too great either. I did make the minimum count, but that was about it (and for the first time I had to resort to Write Or Die to get there). I've used the web app before, but always after I'd already complete the minimum for that day. I'm not sure what today will bring.
I'm planning on attending a write-in in the big city and also do some shopping for
emeryboard's bd present (better late than never!). There is a writing session planned for the meeting, hence the name write-in, but in my experience, they don't tend to be very productive. I can't really write with other people hanging around. Better get cracking this morning then. Except I couldn't care less about my story at the moment. Not that I think it sucks, which it probably does, it just doesn't hold my interest at the moment :-/