Apr 16, 2008 20:59
Just watched Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Very good! So much history that I didn't know about. Hmm....might need to learn more!
Made Yakisoba for dinner....again. Had a very hard time finding noodles at Fred Meyer. Found them eventually. Returned a piece of crap shelf thing that I got for the bathroom so I had just enough for food. Woohoo!
It has been so bloody cold lately. Not only outside but in this place! Doing the white trash thing right now and have 3 large blankets covering my windows at night. It seems to work a bit. Don't have a door on my bedroom (odd, yes) but put a curtain up. At least my room is all toasty. Fergus (aka the cat, no I have not turned gay!) and I seem to be sleeping well in there. Getting firewood on Saturday so that should also help. Think I heard that there is a chance of snow this weekend. Hello!? It's mid April!
Started a book this week so we'll see how long it will last. I hate when I start reading a book and then lose total interest in it a quarter way through. Trying Fahrenheit 451. Saw the movie several times which I really liked. So I can at least visualize what's going on, or at least the environment.
Okay, contacts driving me nuts. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!