Gideon in a Nutshell

Feb 05, 2007 22:15

!still under construction!

vital stats

name Gideon Llacheu Prewett
date of birth 3 June 1954
place of birth Aberystwyth
height 187cm (between 6'1" and 6'2")
hair colour brown with a tinge of red that shows up with sunshine
eye colour blue-green, maybe
siblings older sister Molly (born 1950), twin brother (not identical) Fabian
parents father is a librarian at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth, mother is, er yes, that still needs to be determined
education Hogwarts (Ravenclaw) Sept 1965 until June 1972
job copy-editor with the Daily Prophet since January 1973, before that a five-months internship as copy-editor at Transfiguration Today
wand 11.5 inches, dragon heart string, mahogany

extended family

  • Aunt Gwen from North Wales, who has a bit of a dislike to hygiene
  • his favourite aunt, the painter

Gideon changes flats a bit when he first moves to London in August 1972, mainly from one bed-sit to the next in the wizarding parts of the city.
In summer 1976 he gets hold of a three-storey house in Chelsea (117a King's Road), an all-Muggle area. He manages to get a long-term lease on the two upper storeys (the ground floor houses a bookshop specialising in geography), and renovates it extensively on his own (with help from friends and his brother, obviously). By October, he's more or less done and moves in.

random info on his flat
  • fiction is in the living room, the study holds books on his academic interest
  • there are no plants, as he has no talent whatsoever where it comes to keeping them alive
  • apart from the painting, there are no pictures, but he has a photograph of himself and his brother (both about 17 years old at that point) in the top right drawer of his desk and a magical drawing of himself, done by his painter aunt when he'd just left Hogwarts


random things about him
  • is very fond of the sea
  • has a large magical water colour picture hung over the dinner table; it was given to him by one of his aunts who is a painter, and it shows the Aberystwyth sea promenade and a fair bit of the sea as well, it's charmed to mimic the local weather
  • has got principles and morals that are not negotiable for him, otherwise he'd probably not have joined the Order
  • is easy-going
  • is bisexual

things he's fond of, in no particular order

  • reading; is an avid and attentive reader, which really is a bit of a prerequisite for his job
  • his private research -- the topic of which he'll only tell about to someone who's genuinely interested
  • his brother Fabian, very, very much (he's rather protective of him, too, so watch out)
  • fooling around with a number of people
  • Augustus Rookwood, massively ;)
  • his nephews, a lot

things he has little to no patience with or is generally not in favour of

  • heroism; mention to him he's a hero for having died, and he will think you're a few sandwiches short of a picknick, as attested in
    • a talk with Moody just after his death in 1981
    • a chat with his nephew Fred
  • if he was being used, after his death, to recruit new members to the Order
  • people who take themselves too seriously, he'll wind them up and leave then, rather bemused over the whole affair
  • putting his neck on the line

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