May 30, 2006 10:48
i had to wear gloves to school today.
i have decided that i am volljahrig and will sign my own ambassador project, because a). i don't want the germans to look at me funny for asking them to lie and b). it is illegible anyways, so experiment won't know that it's mine...after all i was the only adult who gave me guidence on the project...unless you count my hostdad giving me the garbage bags
my mother is insisting that i write my roommate an email. i have no idea what to say.....umm year so I'm caroline i've already live away form home for 3 years and i'm majoring in this and that or this. and good luck on your exams????...i guess i really don't know what else to say, becuase i mean what i do now, as opposed to what i did lastyear is different and i don't know how i'll be next year extracurricular wise. i mean last year i would have said i swim and play soccer and frisbee and do theatre stuff and diversity stuff and and and and and now it's like ummm well i bike and run and read and like bakeries and play handball, but not like the handball that's played in the states. i no longer know what kind of music i like (sadly/embarassingly this europop stuff is growing on me)....and i guess i don't want to make the wrong impression, or any impression at all
does anyone know if i can access the german itunes store in the us? buying german cds in the states is pretty expensive...or seeing how two ipods have died in my possession another german music download place, becuase i might want my next mp3 player to be more durable
and now i'm off the the most boring physics class ever...yes it's that boring this entire semester has been about induction. if we hold hte magnet here when the electricity is flowing this way which way will the metal bar move....just plug the numbers into the formula and move on to something more interesting already!