Nov 08, 2005 09:28
I got up this morning 5 minutes before my alarm went off. So my day started out good because I didn’t have to hear any loud obnoxious noises while waking up. Then I decided to watch some news before I left for my class. I turned it to ABC because that was the only thing that was on. Their topic for the day was, “More people are saying abstinence is right.” That pissed me off right there. So I kept watching. They were quoting Seventeen Magazine saying that 48% of teens think sex before marriage is wrong. 38% think teens should not be able to get contraceptives without their parent’s consent. They interviewed two girls about this claiming the populace is growing toward abstinence. One of the girls said, “I feel like I’m a pretty liberal Christian, I don’t go to church every Sunday. I feel it is morally wrong for people to have sex before marriage. I believe they will go to hell.” What the fuck are they feeding you? So if you get raped you’re going to hell. Or are you magically absolved of all your sins of having sex before marriage. Another thing she mentioned was how doing drugs and drinking were such bad things to do. How would you fucking know if you DON’T DO THEM. You can’t judge something based on what other people thought was wrong. Believe me guys, if drinking and doing drugs was such a bad sin, GOD itself would have struck me down by now. As me and Bob were talking the other day he mentioned how our society is actually become more and more conservative. I didn’t really think about it then so much, but today it really hit me. Roe V. Wade could be overturned which doesn’t just rid women of their rights to have an abortion, it also waves them their rights of any personal matters having to do with their doctor. Don’t worry all you girls out there, I personally don’t plan on peeking into private lives and asking the doctor whether you have cancer or not. But your employers can and pretty much anyone else can. Which means they can start discriminating based on your health once again. I don’t know how our society is getting to be this way. It’s making me more sad than angry. This right here is about the only reason why I don’t want kids. What the fuck is wrong with you people. JESUS was a LIBERAL, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?
I could go on for days right at this point, but I’m at work and probably should get back to that.
I haven’t said this for years, but it seems fitting right now… FUCK YOU FASCISTS!!!