(no subject)

Oct 03, 2011 21:41

It's not about how much I drink anymore, remember? Anyway, tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow will always be different. I'm reading The Happiness Hypothesis (look it up) and it's blowing my mind. The elephant versus the rider. I have a weak rider. A strong elephant. Do these sentences necessarily go together or is it because I'm drunk?

Does my being drunk make me a better writer or a worse one? Sometimes I go back and read drunken s*** like this that I'm writing now and I think: "Wow! I'm a really good writer when I'm drunk!" Other times I feel differently.

Tomorrow is October the fourth, which will be written (here in America) as "10-4." That -- "10-4" -- is CB radio code for OK, all is good, affirmatory, etc. October fourth, 10-4, the day all will be right in my world (excepting my potential hangover).

Why are the Grateful Dead so important to me?

Stopping writing now. Will pick up later when sober probably.
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