After you've been through a bout of depression, inspiration seems to hit you--suddenly and unexpectedly. "Woe is me" has expired, at least for the time being, and you've moved onto greener pastures, breathing in the fresh air and soaking in the sunlight, wondering why you never saw this before.
And I am inspired. I've been drawing from dawn to now. Sketches that fill the margins of notebook paper that's supposed to contain only Algebra II problems. Neatly inked girls waiting to be clothed in screentone. However, they will have to wait until tomorrow--for I am cheap and buy the kind of screentone that is neither transparent nor sticky; the kind of screentone one needs a window and a sun to shine on the paper, turning it transparent; the kind of screentone I need to glue on--because the sun has set.
I'll post the finished one from yesterday, a murder thriller, and and that girl that still needs to be clothed in screentone.
J'adore manga. Isn't she cute.
Suicide or...murder? The coloring sucks, but it's up to you to solve the mystery. If it's suicide, you have to list why. If it's murder, you have to list why. Winner recieves picture.
Hey cool you guys get to see it before the dA people do. In the unfinished form.