I found the most fascinating
website. ...Actually it's probably not terribly fascinating to anyone but me, but I think it's interesting. Certainly useful.
In other news, I'M ACTUALLY FINALLY SHOWING. Not a lot, of course, I'm only fifteen weeks, but enough that Light and I can tell. ariworjekl,mfdavrmiyowrlkjgjm,d aijwrlkmgklf
So I've started having the weirdest cravings. Instead of wanting one really bizarre thing, I'll just be really hungry for something totally normal for several days in a row. I have eaten nothing but variations on tuna for the last two days. Now I am starting to want fruit. Any kind, just so long as it's fruit. I don't know. It's very strange.
Kamina. I have something for you. Should I bring it by, or d'you want someone to come pick it up?