OOC: Log. Yeah. We know.

May 06, 2007 00:43

Who: Zuko and Ginny (who ELSE?)
What: Ginny and Zuko have an actual conversation for once, he finally discovers she has a tattoo, and she punishes him for running off on her. Twice. Bahahaha.
When: Evening of the 29th, ie last Sunday
Where: Ginny's flat
Why: Because Zuko was a bad boy and needed to be punished.

Rating is surprisingly low for us! PG-13.

Ginny Apparated into her flat, tanned and windblown and looking considerably happier than she had in several weeks. "...Zuko?" she asked, glancing around.

"Over here," Zuko called out softly. He was laying back spread across the cough, laptop set on his lap. Poor boy looked almost as bad as the last time he had gone off on her and he was just as exhausted and annoyed.

Ginny dropped her bag and strode into the living room. She stared at him for a moment before reaching down to haul him upright. "Don't you ever do that to me again," she said in a low voice, and lifted her arm to slap him as hard as she could before leaning forward and kissing him forcefully.

Terrified, he just hung there. His eyes were wide in shock and he whimpered softly into the kiss, clutching onto her shirt with one hand.

After a moment she leaned back again and looked at him, blinking hard to stop herself crying. "Zuko, I swear," she said softly.

"I'm sorry," he replied and pulled her in to hug her tightly.

She scrambled up into his lap and clung to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "You should be," she muttered.

"Very sorry..." His voice was a low whisper and trembled with worry. All he could think of doing was to hold her and whisper "I'm sorry.... I love you..." over and over again in her ear.

In response, she dug her fingers into his shirt, pressing her lips against the side of his neck. "Gods, Zuko," she whispered. "You can't keep doing this to me, I can't handle it."

"I didn't want to hurt you...." He looked about ready to start crying. Lightly he trailed his fingers up and down her back, desperately wanting to not ever have to let go of her again.

"I know you didn't," she replied, moving to wrap her arms around him more tightly. "But you did, Zuko."

"...I did?" he whimpered, lowering his gaze even more.

"Yeah, you did," she said. "You said all that about not breaking promises, and then went and did just that. I know you might not've realised you were doing it, but... gods, Zuko..." She squeezed her eyes shut and dug her fingers into his back, still trying to pull herself closer to him.

"I didn't want it to be that way..." he told her. "He presented me with something and I just had to try...but now I know I'm worthless so it doesn't matter anymore." Sighing, Zuko brought his hand up to tug at her shirt collar as he trailed soft kisses down her neck and collar.

"You are not worthless," Ginny said sharply, sitting up to look him in the eye. "Zuko, are you listening to me? You are not worthless. How many times do I have to tell you that before you'll believe me?"

"When I see the proof for myself," he replied, looking away from her. "I'm not good at anything... Sometimes I wonder why I was even born. Which is why...." his breath hitched in his throat a little. "I had to try."

"What kind of proof do you need?" she asked him, putting a hand out to cup his cheek. "Zuko, I thought we'd gotten past this."

"It's just difficult to accept," he sighed in defeat. "I'm a failure with no hope of redemption.... You're the only thing I'm sure about...." He then leaned in to kiss her on the cheek and moved up to her ear as well.

"That's not true," she disagreed. "You aren't a failure. I believe in you, doesn't that count for anything?"

Zuko nodded, "I suppose it does." With a smile, he leaned back and pulled her onto his lap even more. He then trailed soft kisses from her ear down her neck and then gave it a gentle bite.

She shivered as his teeth grazed against her skin. "Zuko, I mean it," she insisted. "You've got to stop putting yourself down like that, it's not true."

"Name one important thing I'm actually good at," he replied with a frown, pulling away to look at her. "I've got nothing. Might as well give up trying."

"You... listen to people," she said after a moment. "You've been trying your damndest to help Aang train, even though I know that's difficult for you. I know this relationship hasn't exactly been the easiest thing in the world for you, either, but you're still trying. You're determined, and you're a kindhearted person even if you don't like to show it." She smiled and pressed a kiss to the frown lines on his forehead. "You love me."

"I'll love you forever," he whispered as he kissed her softly on the lips. "And I'm sorry for worrying you...." A pause and he then smiled, ghosting his hands down her arms and sides. "So... Did you have a good time?"

"I suppose," she said, turning to rest her head against his shoulder. "I learned how to surf."

"Sounds like fun," Zuko nodded. "I like it when you're happy."

"I'm happier when you're here," she replied.

"I know there are other pe--things that make you happy as well..." he looked away.

"Well, yes," she admitted. "But you... knowing you love me... that's the reason I can be happy about everything else."

He gripped onto her and pulled her against him for a tight hug. "I hope that's true...because I love you more than anything. With you..." Biting his lip, he leaned back to peer into her eyes. "...I'm home."

"Oh, Zuko," she whispered, reaching a hand up to brush over his nose, cheeks, lips. "You... are extraordinary."

"You flatter me," he frowned, but before she could say anything he captured her lips in a rough, passionate kiss.

She twisted her fingers into his hair and arched her body against him, kissing him back with equal force. "Gods I missed you," she gasped when she finally leaned back to catch her breath.

"Mmm.....Missed you more...." he whispered softly and pressed his lips lightly gainst her neck. Nothing could ever compare to how much he truly missed her when they were apart.

She sighed happily and curled up against him, sliding her hands down to lay against his chest. "You scared me," she whispered.

"I'm sorry," he replied, kissing the top of her head. "You know I am."

"I know you are," she agreed. "But Sorry doesn't mean I wasn't scared."

"What should I do about it then?" he asked her, a hint of worry in his voice. "I hurt you.... Fair exchange.... Would be for you to do the same to me...."

"Oh, no, Zuko, I couldn't do that," she protested immediately. "Besides, I already hit you."

"Didn't hurt," he shook his head, giving her a very small smile. "...I can take it."

"Still. First I'd have to want to hurt you."

"You don't?" Zuko blinked with surprise. When people were mad usually they wanted to maim things... This was new.

She looked up at him, shocked. "No! Zuko..."

"Aren't you...mad?" he gave her a puzzled look.

"Of course I am, I'm bloody furious. Doesn't mean I want to hurt you, though, Zuko, I love you," she responded, equally baffled.

"Now I'm just confused...." Poor boy hung his head in defeat.

"...Why?" Ginny asked, reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes so she could see him.

"You're mad....but you don't want to hurt me?" he sounded as if she had said the most absurd thing on the planet. "Doesn't make much sense..."

"...Yes, I'm angry," she said after a moment. "I probably will be angry for quite some time. But first and foremost, I love you, and that is far more important." She gave him a small smile.

Now he was just terribly confused and frustrated with himself and angry in general at how fate always liked to mess with him. Slowly he wrapped his fingers around her hand and brought it up to touch the mark on his neck Orochimaru had given him. He sighed softly and brushed his lips against hers. "I gave it up...for you."

"...I'm not sure I completely understand," she confessed after a minute, tracing the mark with the tip of one finger.

"I had to go there...." Zuko took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he tried to explain. "Because Orochimaru wasn't sure what was going to happen and he wanted to keep an eye on me in case things went horribly wrong. According to him, if I had come from his world I would've just died. That's why he was so shocked that I was able to function normally. He then spent a couple of days researching and found it had different chakra affects. Instead of spreading around my entire body it harbored itself in only one chakra point. Once he got a basic idea of what to do was when he begun teaching me.... He then found out that in order to be able to fully control it for my own personal gain I'd have to release all the chakra points and all forms of attachment... I couldn't do it. Sure, I may regret it later when it decides to trigger itself but I just couldn't... To be able to master it I'd have to let go of you....and possibly kill you." Tears welled up in his eyes and he had to fight hard not to let them fall. He gripped onto her tightly as he spoke. "I couldn't do that...because I love you..."

There was a long silence as she tried to absorb what he was telling her. It was still hard to believe, sometimes, that someone cared that deeply about her. "I love you too," she finally whispered, flicking her eyes up to meet his, her fingers still brushing along the curse mark on his neck. "But gods, Zuko, why? Is this about your sister again?"

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "...Yes." A deep breath and then a long sigh. "...But I've given up now. No more... I know when I'm outmatched. I'll just live my life in shame and dishonor like I should."

"Zuko, no," she said, dismayed. "You can't do that."

"I'd do it for you...I'd give up everything to have you," he whispered, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Well -- maybe, but -- that doesn't mean you should," she protested. "They need you, Zuko, you can't condemn your entire world to your father just for me."

"But that'd mean I might have to go off again...and again... I don't want to hurt you," his voice was shaky. "I just want to keep you happy."

"So then let me come with you," she insisted. "Let me help you, Zuko, I know you want to protect me but I can help you if you let me... and I can't let you abandon your entire world just for my sake."

"I don't want you to get hurt..." he gazed at her, his lip trembling. "It'd kill me...I don't want you to die...."

"I'm not going to die, Zuko," she said firmly. "I've not lived through a war for nothing, I know how to protect myself and I can learn more! You just have to trust me."

"I do trust you...and if you want I guess I can teach you what I know..." he sighed. "Not sure if it'll help but it's worth a shot, right?"

"Well, it can't hurt." She smiled reassuringly (she hoped) and smoothed a thumb over the mark on his neck. "And I want to help you, Zuko, you could be an incredible ruler, I can see it in you, you know. I want to help you get there."

"I hope you're right," he smiled back at her and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Of course I'm right," she replied, kissing him back. "When am I not right?"

"Hmm..." he pondered for a moment. "Can't think of anything."

"Good." She giggled softly and leaned forward to brush her lips lightly against his.

Smiling, he gently ran his hands down her sides and rested them on her hips. "...Feel better?"

"Mm-hmm." She smiled back at him and ran her thumb along the edge of his jaw. "I love you."

"So I uh...." Zuko grinned sheepishly at her, looking away for a moment. "Kinda found somethin' in your room the other day. Mind explaining it?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Explain what?"

"Found a plushie of some sort," he continued. "About this big this wide looks like a certain someone...." His brow furrowed and he couldn't help but frown as he showed exactly how big with his hands.

Ginny thought about this for a moment, and then started giggling. "My Light plushie? Well it's not like it was hidden, you know, love."

He made a very unhappy sort of face. "That's many levels of creepy."

"Oh it is not either, you madman. It was a gift from Light."

"It is too! I don't even want to know what you do with it..." he shuddered.

Ginny gave him a Look. "It's a plushie, Zuko."

His eye twitched, "A CREEPY plushie. A creepy soul-stealing plushie...."

"Oh, it isn't either, it's cute," she disagreed. "Stop being all jealous, it doesn't suit you."

"I'm not jealous," he pouted, defiantly crossing his arms. "Just keep it away from me because it looks like it wants to latch itself onto my face and suck out my soul."

She tugged his arms apart and laced her fingers through his, forcing his arms around her instead. "It's not going to eat your soul. You're being ridiculous." She punctuated her statement by dropping a kiss on the bridge of his nose.

"I'm always ridiculous...apparently," Zuko said and then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before glancing down at where she placed his arms and raised a brow at her. "I'm either terribly repressed or if I'm not mistaken I think you're trying to seduce me, missy."

She smirked at him. "What gave it away?"

"Thought you said you were mad," he chuckled and kissed down her neck.

"Oh, I am," she said. "But I did miss you an awful lot."

"Where's the punishment in this, then?" he asked, nuzzling against the crook of her neck. "Got a knife hidden?"

"Mmm... no." She smirked again, toying with one of the fastenings on his shirt.

"I'm afraid now...." Zuko glanced her up and down suspiciously. "What're you hiding?"

Ginny put on her best innocent face. "Nothing. I thought you trusted me, love." Her expression shifted to wounded.

"No guns..." he patted her butt then trailed his hands along her hips and sides. "No knives...No bombs..." Smirking, he then grabbed her chest briefly. "Okay, I guess I'm safe."

In response she made a hmph sound and poked her tongue out at him.

"I'll bite that off if you stick it out again," he frowned, trying to look threatening but failing miserably.

"Ha," she replied, clearly not believing him.

"I will," he nipped at her neck to prove his point.

"You aren't fooling me," she disagreed.

"But I'm being entirely serious." Clearly he wasn't.

"No you aren't."

"Okay you win," he grinned at her. "Pick your prize."

"Ooh, that sounds like fun," she said in a low voice, tipping her head down so her lips hovered above his. "What are my choices?"

"Um..." He really hadn't given this much thought so he just shrugged at her. "Like...my shirt?"

She chuckled and dropped her head to brush her lips teasingly across his. "And what would I do with that, hm?"

"Whatever?" he suggested, brushing his lips against hers in return.

"Mmmm..." a wicked grin spread across her face. "All right, then." She slid her hands down his chest and whipped his shirt off before he had a chance to react. "Mine now."

"Mmmm....Wha...." he murmured softly, peering up at her. "Oh...Okay..."

"Oh, dear. Did I render you incoherent again?" The grin widened slightly.

"I-I'm...coherent..." Zuko muttered, glancing away for a moment. Wasn't quite expecting that.

"Oh, yes, terribly," she said in a mock-serious tone, trailing her fingers across his collarbone.

"Hn...What are you doing....?" He asked softly, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Oh, nothing in particular," she said, tracing a finger down the side of his arm.

Licking his lips, he peered up at her expectantly. "...I can't have any... Can I?"

"Any what, love?" she asked coyly, dropping her other hand to rest against his stomach.

"You know...." he blushed, glancing down.

"Again with this thing about not using your words," she murmured, unfolding her legs so she could press herself flush against his chest.

"Actions speak louder," he replied, thrusting his hips up. Frowning, he kissed lightly along her jaw up to her ear. "You're terrible..."

She giggled at him and shook her hair over her shoulder. "So mean."

"Cruel and heartless," he whispered as he clawed at her back a bit.

"Mmm. Careful of the shirt, love, I like it."

"Then take it off..." He pressed his lips against her neck.

"Oh, but that's so much work," she protested.

Zuko tugged on her shirt. "Want me to take it off for you?"

"You can if you like," she allowed, tracing the muscles of his chest with a finger.

"Mmm... Alright..." Smirking, he quickly pulled her shirt off and tossed it aside then let his lips trail hot kisses along her shoulder and collarbone.

Ginny grinned to herself and slid her hands up his chest to twist them in his hair, dropping a kiss on the top of his head.

He let his hands start to roam, groping and grabbing whatever they happened to come across. All the while he bit her neck and sucked on it hard enough to leave a mark. "You're fickle sometimes."

"How cruel, Zuko," she gasped, enjoying his attention despite the fact that she had made herself promise she wouldn't.

"Mmm...." he kissed down her chest, leaning her back a little so he could go lower. After a moment he noticed something and paused. "...What's that?"

"What's what?" she asked, blinking at him.

"That," he pointed. "On your hip."

"...That would be a tattoo, love," she said after a moment, amused.

"It's cool...." He whispered, a hint of awe in his voice. "Can I touch it?"

She resisted the temptation to snort. "Yeah."

Zuko lightly placed his fingers on her hip, only to jump a little when he saw the picture move a bit. "The hell...?"

Ginny jumped a bit herself, startled. "What?"

"It moves," he blinked, shivering a little.

"Oh. Yes. Wizarding tattoos do that," she said.

"That's freaky yet awesome at the same time." Smirking, he touched it again, amused by the way it twitched.

"It'll keep doing that, you know," she said, amused.

"Any others I don't know about?" He asked, kind of amused, as he licked her stomach.

"N--ooo," she said, starting slightly.

"I want more," he pleaded, hooking his fingers under the waistband of her pants.

"Oh, dear. Greedy tonight, aren't we," she said teasingly.

"Perhaps I am," he then proceeded to tug a bit. "I've missed you a great deal, you know."

"I missed you," she breathed, giving in to the temptation to lift his head up to kiss him.

"So... Can I have more...please?" He kissed her back softly.

Ginny wavered. She badly wanted to let him keep going, but she also knew that making him stop would teach him a lesson. "Mmmm... I don't know," she ended up saying, not wanting to get up and walk away just yet.

"Want to...so bad..." he begged, tugging at the fabric with his teeth.

"I know, love," she said. "...But--" she tugged his head back up to kiss him again. "For tonight that's going to be all you get. Sorry, love," she said, giving him a genuinely contrite look as she slid off his lap and stood up.

"But... But...." he whined, pouting and looking quite upset.

"Mmm, well." She leaned over and brushed one last kiss across his lips. "Perhaps next time you'll think twice before you go haring off without a plan." And with that she forced herself to turn and walk away, heading for the bedroom.

Whining, he slunk down so much he slipped off the couch and landed on the floor. "Ow."

"Goodnight," she called over her shoulder at him.

"Night," he replied, muffled by the floor. Terrible punishment? Yes indeed. Floor comfortable? No but it will have to do.

log: zuko/ginny

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