Hi, guys! Challenge 62 will be based on Azazeal. As always, I've provided some pictures, but you may use ANY image of Azazeal that you'd like!
Challenge 62:: Azazeal
The rules are simple:
+ You can enter up to four icons (each icon from a different image is preferred, but not mandatory)
+ You may only use images provided.
+ LJ standards apply: max 100x100px, less than 40kb, .jpg, .png or .gif
+ Text, brushes, textures and stock images are allowed
+ Blending is allowed, animation is not
+ The icons must be made for the challenge and kept anonymous until it ends
+ Comment to this post with your icon and the URL
+ Icons are due by Saturday, May 9, 2009 by 10pm EST
+ This week's special categories will be Best Coloring and Best Cropping