Narcissa Malfoy, Pensieve, early 1997

Apr 16, 2008 14:47

Name: Narcissa Malfoy
Date: early 1997
Format: Pensieve Memory
Relevance: Memory shows N Malfoy torturing another Death Eater- identity unknown- It also illustrates clandestine details of Malfoy Manor (sp. to charms on doors, hidden passage ways, and portrait inhabitants) as well as N. Malfoy's possession of a portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black.

Phineas, in bags and boudoirs (EDITED) )

1997, narcissa_malfoy, pensieve

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batbogey_hex April 22 2008, 13:11:44 UTC
*keeps her tone carefully even, expression wary of the answer*
... What'd he do?


blackdasphodele April 22 2008, 13:12:19 UTC
*blandly* What did who do?


batbogey_hex April 22 2008, 13:14:16 UTC
*frowns at this, inclining her head stiffly, just a fraction*
The Death Eater. Is that the same place you kept Luna?


blackdasphodele April 22 2008, 13:15:23 UTC
*mouth tightens* I did not keep Luna, child.


batbogey_hex April 22 2008, 13:17:13 UTC
I'm not a child. And maybe it wasn't you specifically, but it was still your house.

Don't change the subject.


blackdasphodele April 22 2008, 13:18:59 UTC
*raises one sculpted eyebrow in clear disbelief of this*
You look like one. And your logic clearly is that of one. It was my house therefore my doing?


batbogey_hex April 22 2008, 13:20:50 UTC
*jaw tightens at her words*
Well, it's not like you did anything to prevent it, did you?


blackdasphodele April 22 2008, 13:22:29 UTC
*one side of her mouth curves*
Very childish indeed. You understand very little.


batbogey_hex April 22 2008, 13:25:43 UTC
*eyes flash a little at this*
What's there to understand? Your lot kidnapped my friend and locked her up in a bloody dungeon. Probably gave your mad sister free access, right?


blackdasphodele April 23 2008, 03:08:12 UTC
*eyes narrow, right hand itching to make contact with Ginny's face even before she makes the comment about Bella*
*low and dangerous*
You shouldn't talk about things that you don't understand, child.


batbogey_hex April 23 2008, 22:38:30 UTC
*repeats sharply*
What's there to understand?


blackdasphodele April 24 2008, 03:05:45 UTC
*uses the height difference between them to her advantage, looking down her nose at Ginny as much as she's able*
Your little friend is still alive, isn't she?


batbogey_hex April 24 2008, 22:36:50 UTC
*glares back up at her but then she forces out an irritated huff at her words, glancing away, arms crossing*
Yeah, no thanks to you.


blackdasphodele April 25 2008, 01:51:07 UTC
*upper lips shift a bit, voice low*
And there's where you're wrong.


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