Gideon and Fabian Prewett, 11 August 1975, letter, newspaper clippings

Aug 18, 2007 11:20

Name: Gideon Prewett
Format: One letter and two newspaper clippings
Date: 11 August 1975
Relevance: Letter to his brother Fabian, informing him of the death of their uncle Cerdic Seis, their mother Anne's brother

Archivist's note: The writer's 'Aunt Amelia' was a Muggle-born witch, and it is strongly suspected that the 'young, raucous folk' were actually Death Eaters.

Cerdic Seis, aged 64, died on Saturday. Beloved husband of Amelia and devoted father to Glenna and Mona Seis, he will be very much missed.

Cerdic Seis, aged 64, died on Saturday in a dispute at the local wizarding pub in Derwen, Denbighshire. Mr Seis was there with his wife when a group of tourists entered the premises. "Young folk, bit on the raucous side," says the publican John Lloyd, who also reports that soon after, two of the visitors were talking to the Seises and their circle of friends. What seemed a friendly chat at first, according to other patrons, rapidly developed into a dispute with raised voices and eventually a fistfight, during which Mr Seis was knocked down and hit his head fatally on the corner of a nearby table. "It went so fast, no-one could really make out who'd landed the blow," says one of the regulars, who were called on by Ministry officials later on. Mr Seis is survived by his wife Amelia, 63, and their two daughters Glenna, 28, and Mona, 22.

11 August 1975
Dear Fab,
This is a letter that I would've preferred not to send, to be honest, see attached newspaper clippings for the reason. Please don't pack your bags again right away! The burial is scheduled for Friday week, because St Mungo's haven't released the body yet, and there's nothing anyone of us can do. Tad and Mam are with Aunt Amelia and our cousins, and told Molly and me to stay away, so that neither of us has seen them yet, and you'll be back in a few days at any rate.
The article is so far from the truth that I can't even begin to say how angry I am. Suffice it to say I'm livid. I saw the original version of it yesterday afternoon, the reporter having come straight from Derwent, and there's nothing, not a shred about the wand fight that took place there and of which there was enough evidence apparently. St Mungo's keeping his body is telling in itself, but I don't think much will come from it.
I'm sick of looking at it, Fab, sick of seeing things happen that go against basic human decency, basic humanity even, so thoroughly that it makes me physically sick.

letter, gideon_prewett, 1975, fabian_prewett, newspaper_clipping

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