Hermione Granger, Pensieve Memory, 7.3.1997

May 15, 2007 22:47

Name: Hermione Granger
Date: July 7, 1997
Format: Pensieve Memory
Relevence: Hermione stopped believing in 'worst' during her second year at Hogwarts. We may deduce, however, that this memory was subjectively pretty dire from it's excellent quality; she seems to have been determined to not only file it but get it out of her head as completely as ( Read more... )

1997, pensieve_memory, hermione_granger

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hexed_gideon May 17 2007, 08:30:57 UTC
*frowns a bit*
What exactly is going on here, if I may ask, that is?


lutra_teneans May 18 2007, 03:32:58 UTC
(thinks about it seriously, and looks to make sure they're alone)
You may.
(smiles, not entirely happily)
Both my parents are muggles. I can't just go off and leave them unprotected. Even if I wasn't Harry's friend. It's starting again.


hexed_gideon May 18 2007, 08:04:22 UTC
No, of course not. But what is it you were painting on the walls?


lutra_teneans May 18 2007, 22:27:29 UTC
It's called the Vivicus tincture--well, it's a version of it. It's supposed to be active in the presence of malice and harmful intentions, and fear from the people whose blood goes into it--and my cat did find himself seriously inconvenienced by the drapes when he went after a bird, so I think it'll work.

Background, this is one of those make-your-home-part-of-your-family magics that brings the furniture etc to some kind of life. Not at the Beauty and the Beast level. ;) Gideon would probably have seen it a much nastier, horror-flick version of it at work on unsuspecting families during the first war (Snape may post on it at some point, not sure), and Barty was saying something that sounded like a similar effect was protecting Hogwarts over in Hermione's file cabinet post, so a domestic version of it might even be common in wizarding homes despite how I'm completely making it up. ;)


hexed_gideon May 19 2007, 09:06:01 UTC
I see. How much of your and your parents' blood went into it? A drop each?
*frowns - grew up with a kneazle in the household*
Your cat? Wasn't that a kneazle?

Ah, thanks for the info. :) For homes that aren't easily protectable with spelled wards? (And dear heavens, spare us the dancing tea cups! *shivers* ;D)


lutra_teneans May 19 2007, 16:06:21 UTC
About that. It was hard to be precise, with theirs; they're better protected the less they know, so I had to use household accidents. Dad always cuts himself shaving, at least.
He's part-kneazle. Isn't he beautiful?

Yep! And no dancing teacups, I promise.
Wedging-themselves-between-your-teeth-so-you-can't-spellcast teacups, OTOH.... ;D


hexed_gideon May 24 2007, 07:56:33 UTC
Cuts himself... *realises that Muggles use blades for shaving* Oh, right, sorry.
He is... needlessly very ginger.

Sorry, finals. :/
Don't even think about it! :D


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