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the_pureblooded May 11 2007, 23:07:04 UTC
I had a spider once. A tarantula named Paul.

And if you get the reference, I'll love you that much more. Hint: It's not what you may think. *G*


harriedpotter May 11 2007, 23:21:51 UTC
I'm blinded by the Paul here!

I never saw him at Hogwarts, he wasn't your familiar?


the_pureblooded May 11 2007, 23:27:52 UTC
I need to upload more icons :P

No, I had him when I was seven. Then he got loose. I had an owl as my familiar. Same as you.


harriedpotter May 11 2007, 23:49:33 UTC
I never really saw you play with your owl, did you ever?

I filled up the 100. :) Of course, I cheated and raided my old one on ones, but since I sort of made a lot of those in the first place...


the_pureblooded May 11 2007, 23:55:57 UTC
No, was I supposed to? Maybe that's why it always bit my hand. I did feed it owlie treats from time to time.

*slides his arms around Harry's waist from behind; sets his chin on Harry's shoulder*

So, basically you came out of the closet at a very early age?


harriedpotter May 12 2007, 00:13:56 UTC
It looked ill tempered already, maybe playing wouldn't have helped. I liked talking to Hedwig sometimes.

*smirks, unable to resist*

Yes, Hagrid got me out of the closet. Do you think that makes me a size queen?


kissed_soul May 12 2007, 01:18:01 UTC


harriedpotter May 12 2007, 01:23:22 UTC


the_pureblooded May 14 2007, 22:58:58 UTC
Yeah, but it's not like the bird talks back or anything. It's about as fun as talking to a wall, if you ask me.


How big d'you reckon he is?


harriedpotter May 14 2007, 23:13:40 UTC
Hedwig was rather expressive, I thought.


Ew... I don't really want to think about that. I mean... enough things get caught in his beard, can you imagine?


the_pureblooded May 15 2007, 00:51:39 UTC
No, but I mean if you had to wager a guess. And while we're on the subject of cocks - before you saw mine, how big were you guessing mine was?

*strokes his chin stubble in contemplation*

Wow, how did we get from spiders to owls to cocks?


harriedpotter May 15 2007, 01:12:57 UTC
Honestly, I thought yours would be really small. *presses his lips together to conceal his amusement*

Well? You seemed rather overcompensatey!


the_pureblooded May 15 2007, 01:35:38 UTC
WHAT?!?! Really small???


How small?


harriedpotter May 15 2007, 01:42:30 UTC
*holds up his pinky*

But you know, if you'd really been that small, then I probably would've let you fuck me a lot sooner!


the_pureblooded May 17 2007, 05:29:00 UTC
If I'd really been that small I don't think you'd have let me into your bed at all.

Size does matter.


harriedpotter May 17 2007, 06:37:41 UTC

I can't imagine it would've mattered. We stalked each other all through childhood. I don't think such a little thing would come between us. On us, sure.


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