Gilderoy Lockhart, Diary, September 1977

Feb 22, 2007 16:58

Name: Gilderoy Lockhart
Format: Diary
Date: September 1977
Relevance: The start of a relationship that would lead Gilderoy to the Death Eaters in the first war.

Dear Diary. )

1977, diary, gilderoy_lockhart

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What really happened... kissed_soul February 22 2007, 23:23:31 UTC
*reads father's message*
*balls the paper with one hand and trows it to the paper bin*
*Incendio's it*


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 22 2007, 23:26:35 UTC
*toys with his hair and looks over his shoulder at the fire in the trash*

Oh my!

*dumps his water on the small fire*

*smiles sweetly at Barty*

No smoking in the room!


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 22 2007, 23:30:04 UTC
You know, we are wizards. We don't need to put fires out with water and make the dorm stink. We have wands.

And everybody smokes here.


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 22 2007, 23:39:26 UTC
*frowns, because not everyone in the room is a very good wizard*
*shrugs it off*

My wand is over there. My water was right here.

*smiles again*

Was that a note from your father? Did he mention me?


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 22 2007, 23:43:10 UTC
Yes, it's a note from my father, but it's none of your business!


And why would he ask about you? He doesn't even know you exist! And why would he, anyway?


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 22 2007, 23:45:49 UTC
Because we're best mates! I know you talked all about me over the summer. It's all right, Barty, I understand. I expect he was as shocked as I was that I was not made Prefect! But you can tell your father that I'm doing fine with the decision, that clearly Dumbledore has bigger plans for me than just merely minding firsties.

*turns back to the vanity to tend to his hair*

Your father is so sweet to be concerned about me.


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 22 2007, 23:55:54 UTC
*jumps from his desk to Gilderoy's vanity, and yanks him by the hair, holding him at eye level*

Listen, you wanker, I don't know what the hell is going on your mind, nor what the hell do you want from me, but my father didn't asked about you, because we are not mates, best or otherwise. Plus he's too busy constatly taunting for not becoming a prefect.


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 23 2007, 00:04:21 UTC
*gasps; breathless from having his hair yanked*
*brings both hands up to Barty's hand in his hair, trying to pry it away*

Ow, Barty! You're hurting me!

*looks at Barty's face, the passion in his expression, how close they are*

*whispers seriously* You're right, Barty. We're more than mates. I've... thought so for a long time. I didn't know you felt the same.

*nuzzles his face and brushes their lips together*


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 23 2007, 00:09:51 UTC
*almost punches Gilderoy, but instead pushes him hard (for his misfortune, Gilderoy lands on his bed)*

The fuck?!?

*wipes mouth with the back of the hand*

What the fuck is wrong with you, Lockhart?


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 23 2007, 00:18:29 UTC
*shivers nervously, not sure if he's ready for where this is going*

*heart flutters at how fast it's happening*

*swallows hard and straightens out his robe*

Barty... I think that we really should try... dating first. I don't want you thinking I'm easy. *blushes a little* But we could snog a little before class if you like.


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 23 2007, 00:21:58 UTC



What. The.Hell. Are. You. Talking. About?


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 23 2007, 00:29:49 UTC
*sits up on his knees and walks on them to the edge of the bed where Barty is*

*cups his face in his hands*

I like you, too, Barty.

*strokes his cheeks affectionately*

You don't have to be ashamed because I'm a bloke. I won't tell anyone.


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 23 2007, 00:32:55 UTC

Wait, what?

*evil smirk starts to tug at the corner of the mouth*



Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 23 2007, 00:39:27 UTC
*blushes and looks around the room sheepishly; is grateful their roommates aren't around*

*swallows; fingers the top button of his robe*

*looks nervous*

Do you really like me that much?


Re: What really happened... kissed_soul February 23 2007, 00:41:32 UTC
*unbuckles belt and pushes trousers down*

Yeah, right.

*pulls his cock out*

This is what you want, isn't it?


Re: What really happened... duelingdandy February 23 2007, 00:45:43 UTC
*eyes widen at it*

*blushes furiously*

I... um... my... it's really big, isn't it?

*bites his bottom lip as he reaches shyly for it*

*places his other hand on Barty's shoulder to steady himself*

You really like me a lot, don't you? I guess it's all right.. since you like me so much.


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