Sirius Black, Note, Late 1979

Feb 17, 2007 14:50

Name: Sirius Black
Format: Note
Date: Late 1979
Relevance: Evidence of possible contact and collusion with a suspected Death Eater.

Note )

1979, sirius_black, note

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viridigitus February 17 2007, 21:06:15 UTC
You know, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, Black. There are far easier ways to get people to do what you want than discourteous words.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 21:12:34 UTC
Giving free advice, Yaxley? How charming. I wasn't aware, however, that I'd asked for any.
*tilts his head*
What that discourteous enough for you?


viridigitus February 17 2007, 21:15:33 UTC
I take it back; not discourteous, just spoiled.

*shakes her head*
Amazing that you come from the same line as Bellatrix and Narcissa, still, I suppose mutations must crop up somewhere.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 21:19:21 UTC
*lifts his chin, laughing quietly, fingers resting casually against his pocket*
Mm... You say that as if your opinion matters to me.
*satisfied sigh*

So very true. Strange, though, that it managed to hit both of them and fly right past me. A very close call indeed. What would you say the odds are, hm? *pulls out a cigarette and lights up one-handed, squinting at her as he draws on it*


viridigitus February 17 2007, 21:23:49 UTC
Hardly. The day your opinion matters to me is the day I marry a Muggle, Black.

*stares at the cigarette vaguely panicked for a moment but recovers quickly*
About the same as you grasping a theory correctly, it seems. Filthy habit, although it has been proven to have negative health effects... so never mind. Carry on.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 22:14:13 UTC
*slow smile*
I expect you just haven't met the right bloke yet. I'll find someone nice for you. How does Wednesday next sound?

*notes her odd reaction, brow wrinkling with vague disdain*
*flash of teeth*
Please, do continue to underestimate me. It'll make everything that much more amusing when you're choking under the sole of my boot. *takes a long, deliberate drag, blowing the smoke at her with a self-satisfied smirk*


viridigitus February 17 2007, 22:23:40 UTC
Really? Aren't you afraid they might catch something? Or I suppose you may just have the same respect for life as your cousins. I wonder what your dear Order would think.

*steps to the side to avoid the smoke and returns the smile, making sure her broken teeth show*
I'd say it was perhaps the other way around, Black, although you wouldn't be the first.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 17:46:08 UTC
*low, rolling laugh, rubbing a finger against his chin*
God, you've got me there, haven't you? Peeled back my skin and taken a look right into my soul. *draws on his cigarette, letting the smoke trail out his nose* You've a touch of the Sight, haven't you?

*disdain grows, mouth pinching in faint disgust*
Mm. Yes, of course. *off-hand* While this has been a terribly exciting conversation, I'm afraid I have... something else to do. I have quite sorted out what yet, but I'm sure it would be more intellectually satisfying. *lips twist* *with exaggerated concern* No offense meant, of course.


viridigitus February 18 2007, 18:31:31 UTC
If you like. I've been accused of worse.

*blithely waves dismissal*
Oh please, don't let me keep you, I'd hate to think I'm keeping others from your wonderful company. *under her breath* Prat.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 19:49:36 UTC
I wouldn't doubt it.

*suddenly amused*
Thank you, Your Grace. *starts to turn* *pauses at the insult, but doesn't turn to face her*
*murmurs, musingly, hand ready on his wand if needed*
Good girls ought to watch their language around their betters. Especially the unattractive ones.


viridigitus February 18 2007, 20:40:13 UTC
*amusement in her voice*
For being in such an old family, you really should recall the correct forms of address; it would be 'my Lady' if anything.
*her own hand avoids her wand but goes to a small bag in her pocket instead*
Betters? I hardly think so. And what would you know of being good? *voice turns icy* Rather ugly on the outside, Black, although thank Merlin I don't have to put up with you sniffing pathetically around me like you do so many.


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