Sirius Black, Note, Late 1979

Feb 17, 2007 14:50

Name: Sirius Black
Format: Note
Date: Late 1979
Relevance: Evidence of possible contact and collusion with a suspected Death Eater.

Note )

1979, sirius_black, note

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hismagdalen February 17 2007, 20:49:17 UTC
Regulus appears to have acquired a shadow. Care to explain?


grim_smile February 17 2007, 20:51:57 UTC
*lips curve slyly*
Am I my brother's keeper?


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 20:55:05 UTC
No, Sirius, you're not. He's come along exceptionally well without you around to bully him. I see you watching him. I won't let you spoilt it.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 21:09:19 UTC
Oh, yes, indeed. I see exactly what he's got up to. Come along well, you say? It's interesting how you and I can come from the same place and yet see things so very differently. *fixes her with a level look* For whom, exactly, would it be spoilt?


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 21:29:31 UTC
I don't think you do see. And it's not interesting that we see things differently at all. You're... you with your unique and alarming outlook on the world.
It would be spoilt for Regulus, who matters a great deal to me.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 22:26:17 UTC
I just got the notification for this a little while ago. Arg! Sorry about that.

*slow grin*
Unique and alarming - I like that very much.
I'm sure you are intentionally implying that Regulus does not matter to me and so I've not right to him?


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 22:34:39 UTC
The goat is still slow. :/

*she rolls her eyes but turns way to hide her smile*
It wasn't meant kindly, Sirius. Must I be totally straightforward in insulting you? Will you get the point then or still manage to chase down some vague implication that I might like you?
*she meets his gaze squarely*
You've treated him appallingly and shown no regard for his feelings. You forfeited any right to him when you walked away from him. He's not yours.


grim_smile February 17 2007, 23:14:50 UTC
Indeed. :/

Gor blimey, Missus. I ain't never done nuffin 'a the sort.
*sharp smile*
I think I got that, cousin, but please do be straightforward. I'd love to see you be really, obviously rude. You could even say a few naughty words if you were feeling particularly adventurous.

*lips tighten*
I think perhaps Regulus can make his own decisions about me. It's not really any of your business.


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 23:28:55 UTC
*she looks horrified and instinctively leans away from him*
You know quite well I don't swear. It not only demonstrates a lack of vocabulary but also is distinctly unladylike.

*she shakes her head stubbornly*
The child still has some odd notions about you. I'll not stand by and see you take advantage of them.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 17:38:36 UTC
*chuckles at her expression*
A sad thing for everyone that I'll never be a lady, then.

*scoffing sound*
Child? Regulus is 19. If anyone is keeping him a child, it's you.


hismagdalen February 18 2007, 17:53:31 UTC
*she finally allows a smile*
There are many words that may be used to describe you, but rest assured that no-one could ever apply 'ladylike' to you.

*she rolls her eyes, her tone becoming venomous*
He is a child. And still needs protecting from corruptive influences such as yourself.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 18:09:08 UTC
*tiny bow*
That was very nearly a compliment, I think, left-handed or not, or if it wasn't meant that way, I'll just pretend you were saying something nice.

*face quickly goes stony, eyes bright and sharp*
I could say the very same thing about you and the scum you associate with. He needs to make his own decisions, Bella, and you won't let him. You never have.


hismagdalen February 18 2007, 19:01:54 UTC
Pretending is about the most you can hope for, I'm afraid. I have a very low opinion of you and would much prefer that you were a lady. At least then we could hate each other more directly.

*she arches an eyebrow*
That scum happens to be family and friends. Regulus's family and friends. We all want the best for him. You're the one pushing him along this path of estrangement and pointless rebellion.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 19:19:20 UTC
*jaw hardens, all traces of humour gone*
There's a girl. No need for all the frilly ridiculousness now, hm? Does it feel better to let loose with what you want to say rather than hiding behind the pretty words?

Yes, lovely family and friends. People who intimidate him and then tell him what he wants to hear so they can use him in their sadistic games. You know full well that he deserves better than that - better than any of you could ever offer him.


hismagdalen February 18 2007, 19:28:35 UTC
*she smiles at him rather sweetly*
Do you know what feels even better? When I'm allowed to raise my wand at you. When I'm allowed to make you hurt and I don't have to restrict myself to words. I'll make you scream for me yet, precious, if you take him away from me.

You think you can offer him something better? A place on the losing side? The contempt and censure of all those he holds most dear? Very generous.


grim_smile February 18 2007, 20:08:34 UTC
*teeth show, voice low and velvety*
That sounds like great fun. Only you needn't worry, dearest - I won't hold it against you if you try.

The losing side? *soft laugh* You can continue to believe that if it lets you sleep at night, but I'm afraid that I'm not prepared to stand by as my brother is ripped to shreds by a pack of greedy, self-serving jackals. No, I think not.


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