Narcissa Malfoy, Two Letters, 15 February 1979

Feb 17, 2007 03:01

Name: Narcissa Malfoy
Format: Two letters
Date: 15 February 1979
Relevance: Extent of N. Malfoy's influence, investigation into her husband's activities, and involvement with Borgin and Burke's to purchase Dark artefacts.

This recent and very special St Valentines )

letter, narcissa_malfoy, 1979

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hismagdalen February 17 2007, 20:43:41 UTC
You seem out of sorts. But I have something that I think will make you smile.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 20:45:46 UTC
*tight smile then she raises her eyebrows*
Do you? What is that?


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 20:51:39 UTC
*she produces a small tissue-wrapped package, tied with a neat green bow*
*inside, Narcissa will find a pair of pale blue cashmere gloves and a matching scarf*
It's still cold out. I can't have you freezing to death. I saw them at Twilfits this morning.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 20:55:36 UTC
*smiles more fully as the gift is produced and she takes it, untying the bow and opening it*
*breathes out*
Oh they're beautiful, Bella!
*unfolds the scarf and drapes it around her neck, the colour pefectly accentuating her eyes*
*runs her hands over the gloves*


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 21:31:14 UTC
*she smiles, pleased by her reaction*
Do be sure to wear them. The mornings have been bitter of late, and if you catch chill you'll be hearing the ice maiden jokes forever.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 21:35:52 UTC
*nods, smiling then she leans over and kisses Bella on the cheek*
Thank you.
*quiet laugh*
The ice maiden jokes will no doubt stay but they can be useful as you no doubt know.


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 21:42:16 UTC
Most people have very limited senses of humour. They think of a joke and use it 'til they die.
*she studies her a moment then nods*
It's good to see you smile. I don't like to see you sad. It suggests I'm not doing all I should as your big sister.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 21:48:10 UTC
*nods at this then laughs softly*
Until they die, indeed.

*shakes her head, sobering*
I am not sad. I am annoyed. There is a difference. But I shall put things to right.


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 21:54:01 UTC
*she touches her fingertips to her lips to hide a small smile*
You are generally annoyed when things do not go as you think they should. And such an event tends to sadden you as well. My Cissy knows how she likes the world to be.

*she holds her hand up in front of herself, fingers spread, and examines her nails; her voice takes a distinctly nonchalant tone*
My loyalties lie with you, of course. But remember that small disputes can eat away at more more important matters.
*she flashes her a swift smile*
But most importantly, there's not a single thing in the world that can't be put right with Avada Kedavra.

What Bella is trying to say in a roundabout way is that she thoroughly disapproves of how Narcissa's being treated in the thread down below and will get involved if Narcissa wishes, but would like her sister to choose which battles actually matter. ^__^


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 22:08:50 UTC
*tight smile once more*
I know how the world should be in some cases, yes. And in most cases it is not about trifles.

*nods a little*
I know that, Bella, and I understand it as well. I should like to deal with the small disputes myself if I can and should they become larger issues I will turn to my sister for advice.
*quiet laugh and she sets the gloves and scarf aside*
That is true, though its use may upset your husband and I would be loathe to do that as I do like him very much. And I'm not quite ready to be a widow yet. There is the matter of children which must come first.

Narcissa also disapproves of the treatment and seeing as how Lucius came running we will let Bella come if Cissa needs it. :)


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 22:23:21 UTC
*she shrugs*
Trifles are the foundations of wars. *she hesitates, eyes narrowing* Though I have to wonder what makes the hundreds and thousands? Corpses perhaps? One can only hope.

*she nods reasonably*
I know you understand. We were subjected to the same upbringing, and have both found ways around the roles in which the world would most happily see us.
*a crooked smile twists her lips*
A little residue, a little magic and a touch of clever timing, and one may quite easily be a widow before one is a mother.

Narcissa need only say the word then and Bella will get herself involved.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 22:38:24 UTC
I would expect in many cases they are. *shakes her head* But I'm not certain what does.

*smiles fondly at her*
Yes. We were.
*quiet laugh and she shakes her head, laying her hand on Bella's*
Being a widow would be easier than being a Mother, I think, particularly in our cases. But, I've not even been married a year yet, so the clever timing hasn't arrived.

Well, Cissa's being reasonable and spells haven't been cast so we're hoping it will go alright.


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 22:58:17 UTC
*she catches Narcissa's hand in hers and turns it over, tracing the lines on her palm*
Oh you'll produce children. And whatever difficulty you are experiencing with Lucius will pass. And you'll be happy. Just as my little sister should be.
*she glances up at her*
Though I wonder if perhaps it is too soon yet to be thinking of such things. Allow the relationship to settle before... well, before the upheaval of pregnancy.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 23:22:19 UTC
*Fingers splay open and she smiles gratefully at Bella*
Thank you. I hope you're right.

*brow furrows*
But it's my duty to bear children. It's what I want too.


hismagdalen February 17 2007, 23:31:36 UTC
*she nods, smiling reassuringly at her*
I'd never for one second advocate you not having children. But your marriage is still young. You and Lucius are still getting to know each other as a married couple. Be sure you know how the relationship will stand up to children. Know your battle before you fight it. Then, whatever happens, you are ready for it.


blackdasphodele February 17 2007, 23:45:15 UTC
*relaxes again*
It is young, yes. As am I. And as usual, you are right, Bella. I- I just need him to be aware that I am not weak or foolish. I thought he knew but he clearly didn't understand.

Oooh lovely icon!


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