Name: Bellatrix Black
Format: Letter
Date: 30 December 1971
Relevance: Gives probable cause for the sudden and severe decline in Bellatrix Lestrange's mental health after the death of Regulus Black.
Dear Regulus,
I am most upset. Mama told me what happened yesterday. If only your mother had told me you were coming to visit, I would have stayed at home to see you! But some friends invited me to tea and so I only returned long after you needed me. Let me assure you: it shan't happen again.
Aunt Walburga told me you are reluctant to come visiting ever again! I do hope she has misunderstood you, but I shouldn't blame you at all for not wanting to set foot in the house after they've been such beasts to you!
But please, Regulus, for my sake, change your mind. Let them closet themselves away if they want; you and I will make our own fun. I'll teach you how to make your reflection scream and how to break the charms in the pantry, we'll climb trees and I'll show you the horklumps in the garden, if only you'll come back!
And I won't let them bully you. I promise you.
I, Bellatrix Anastasia Persephone Black, do hereby swear on my ever-living soul that I will always protect you as best as I am able. If ever I should break this vow, may God turn His face away from me and may the Devil take me as his handmaid.
There, now you should keep this letter because it is my solemn oath, and I don't want you to ever doubt that I shall look after you.
Please come back! If you won't come to me, Regulus, I shall come to you myself. I shall walk across London in my bare feet if I have to!
I do very much hope to see you for Papa's New Year's Ball. If you promise to come, I shall save my very first dance for you and tell all the rest to go hang!
Your very loving and very hopeful cousin,