Title: The Girls' Team
Pairing: Cassie/Thelma
Word Count: 419
Rating: PG
Summary: After an aerobics class, Thelma tries to figure out what sport Cassie is best suited to.
Author's Notes: I was inspired to write this ficlet this morning in (that's right, you guessed it) aerobics class. I can't decide whether I'm happy with it or not. Sorry for the lack of f/f action (nothing more hard-core than innuendo) - I'll try to make it a little more interesting next time. Oh, and time-wise this is pre-series, since Thelma's still alive.
Disclaimer: I don't own the TV show Hex; the characters of Cassie Hughes, Thelma Bates or David Tyrel; or the fictional school Medenham Hall. This is a work of fan fiction for which I am gaining no financial profit.
"Surely it must turn you on a little," Thelma argued. "I mean, all those girls writhing around moaning… it certainly does it for me."
"Yeah, well, sadly I’ve never been that big a fan of aerobics classes," Cassie replied, dumping the contents of her gym bag onto her bed.
"Maybe you need private tuition," Thelma suggested. "Get you a little more motivated. I’d be glad to be your instructor, if you’d like."
"And since when have you been the poster girl for a fit and healthy lifestyle?" Cassie asked her friend, who was currently scrabbling under her bed for her ‘emergency’ supply of crisps; her curvaceous bottom, right now covered with bright pink lycra shorts, wiggling comically as she moved.
"Ah!" Thelma exclaimed, resurfacing with a packet of smokey bacon crisps in her hand and a triumphant smile on her face, "But I’m motivated. Scantily-clad women lying on their backs and spreading their legs to the beat of the music - it’s like live porn, only better."
"Kinky," Cassie returned. "But not really my thing."
"Maybe you’re more of a candidate for team sports," Thelma said through a mouthful of crisps. "You could join the netball team. We’d be glad to show you how it all works."
"I’m sure you would." Cassie grabbed her hairdryer and a couple of towels from her dressing table. "I’m going to take a shower. No going through my knicker drawer while I’m gone. I don’t want a repeat of last time."
"I could come with you," Thelma offered. "If you’re going to start coming to netball with me you’ve gotta get used to showering in front of your teammates. It’ll be good practice."
"Very kind of you, but I don’t think it’ll be an issue," Cassie told her. "I’ve always preferred one-on-one sports, anyway." On her way to the door she paused by her friend’s bed long enough to pinch a crisp from the already near-empty bag in her hand.
"You mean like… wrestling?" Thelma asked.
"No, hang on, give it a chance. All we need is to wait until it rains - "
"And then when it’s stopped take a bunch of girls out by the lake. It’ll be - "
"Medenham Hall’s first all-female mud-wrestling team?" Cassie finished.
"Think I should suggest it to David? I’m sure he’d let us."
"Well, when I said one-on-one I was thinking more along the lines of badminton," Cassie said. "But…"
The blonde girl smiled enigmatically on her way out the door. "Maybe if it rains tonight you’ll get lucky."