So the crossover fic of DOOM contest failed...only one person entered anything and yes I love and adore her for it...and she knows this :D
Sooooooo...something that *everyone* ::mock glares:: can participated in :)
A caption contest!!!!
The first picture is from the new Atlantis episode 'McKay and Mrs Miller' So I suppose its a spoiler pic for that ep...even though I dont think there is anything spoilery about it. It is going behind a cut just so everyone is happy!
I would like to make this a weekly thing but I'm gonna do this first one for a fortnight just to see.
Comments will be screened, Shiny banner things will be made for winners...LETS ALL PARTICIPATE!!!!
My Caption~
"I found an Ancient time machine that sent me back to my Mad Max days!!!! Or it possibly may be an Ancient automatic dresser and I had it set to 'Sheppard'"