Back sooner than I thought...

May 27, 2006 01:23

Well what do you know, I am posting again sooner than I thought I would. I'm still busy as hell though. My God, I never thought I'd spend so much time in one place, a la the Wallace Center. But I have been. Me and Jonathan were talking and we both agreed that this past week has seemed like an enternity. And to me, it isn't like it's gone by slow because it's boring or anything...I guess it's more like, we've been up 20 hours a day, all but a few spent at Wallace. Seriously. No...seriously. I had a big problem at first with people not being able to understand it. Why I was spending, literally, every waking hour in the studio drawing. Everyone thought I was trying to be a perfectionist or going too slow...but that's simply not the case. In fact, I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Summer Op is one of those things that one will never understand until one actually does it. I know I didn't understand what it was all about a week ago.

Despite the long hours spent there...and I'm not kidding around, I logged in at least 90 hours there since last friday...despite those looong hours I absolutely love it. The summer is split up into three sections, and this first section is Technical Drawing. That's basically just manual drafting...I took a bunch of CAD in it's kind of like that...only all by hand without the aid of a computer. They grade pretty harshly too. Like as if you were a professional designer, so far I have a 78.1 average which I am satisfied with for now, but hopefully I'll get it up to a B soon. The class average as a whole...not so good, I think it's a high yeah, I'm doing pretty good overall.

They best part about Summer Op is the social part. We have our own desks that we always sit at. In all, there are 6 groups of about 10 desks in the studio. Our table is awesome and I'm glad me and Jonathan somehow managed to get where we did. Plus we have a guy that is doing Summer Op for a second time so he helps us out a lot. The studio is actually two studios with a retractable divider that can open it up into one big room. The other side from us are, well, really loud and obnoxious. Maybe not all of them, but the vast majority. I so thankful I didn't go to that side when I came in on the first day. There's a lot of other crazy characters that are in the class, but I don't have the time to talk about them all now.

Ohh and the best, best part is that the 15 hours that I'm taking this summer DO count towards my GPA! That means I'll be a sophomore and then some once the summer is over. I'll basically be a semester ahead, credits wise. Not only that, but 5 of the 15 hours are EASY A's. 3 hours for shop class...which is impossible to not get an A in as long as you do your work. And 2 hours for the EASIEST A of all time. It's just an extra class that they added to give us 15 hours. I guess so Summer Op would be a little more worth it. All we do is go watch slides and videos for an hour on wednesdays. Attendance is 100% of our grade so you can't not make a 100 as long as you show up. Awesome. I am especially glad because I want to get my GPA up and this should help. Unfortuately we have the 10 hour studio which I would really like to make a B in, but I don't know, it's hard. I'll take a C I suppose...anything just to get into Industrial Design!!!

Wow! Only like 9 more weeks!
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