♣ 007 [ video / action for breeding house peeps ]

Oct 23, 2011 18:02

...Uh, hey.

[ Junpei's sitting on the floor of his room, a notepad with a bunch of stuff scribbled on it lying next to him. ]

This is kind of a random question [ except when it is not? ], but does anyone know how to make a pie? I mean, I think I've got the general idea behind it - you make the crust, the stuff that goes on the inside, and then put stuff on top - but I've never actually made one before.

Just in the mood for some pie, you know?

[ If you look past him, you can see a large Ursaring laid out on her stomach on the floor. She's coloring in a sign that, if you squint, reads "Pie: just 
3.14." (And yes, her coloring job is awful, but I wouldn't tell her that if I were you.)

You can also find him wandering around the kitchen later with said notepad in hand, taking note of what's there and trying to come up with a pie-baking plan. ]

!ic, nobody remembers avogadro, why are we talking pi on mole day, pi beats pie, nerding it up, *video, &location; goldenrod, this is pointless, sadly not a chem major, happy mole day everyone, #007

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