Wow, I've never done one of these, I doubt anyone will read it, but who the hell cares.
Message in the Music is officially done, if you have yet to read it go do so
HERE, I'm rather nonplussed about the entire affair to be perfectly honest. It's the first time in a long time writing has consumed my life so completely, and I can't help but feel as though some purity of my work was lost in the frenzy to bring it to completion. That being said I do not subscribe to re-vamps, my work is perfect when done and there's nothing I can really do to change it.
Something worth noting was the reaction I got for the finale. Now, before I get into that I'm fairly new to the entire process of posting fan fiction as well as tagging, making correct annotations, warning, etc. et all, I make mistake's and a lot of people, hell LOT of people, are going to be very pissed at me for the way things turned out. But that anger, that rage, that's a compliment in and of itself is it not? Life is not fan fiction, life is sudden, life in unfair and life doesn't give you a list of tags you can sort through it with. Are people mad at me because they want the fiction and I gave them life? Or perhaps because I usurped the control they have over their perusal of said fiction?
The fact of the matter is I write recklessly, mindlessly, and I write to trigger emotion. In the finale of Message in the Music I triggered emotional response in people, hell, I've gotten quite a bit of flack for it already, whether posted in comments or otherwise. Does it scare you, unnerve you that the worlds which I weave can have sudden twists and turns and turn out exactly the way you DON'T want? Does it anger you, not because I didn't properly tag my work, or give sufficient warning, but struck the chords of your heart in unexplained ways?
That I made you FEEL.
Of course, I'm using the term "you" in a general sense, not specific. The internet is anonymous after all and I address all those who read my work equally. It's just interesting is all. Getting back to the point, one of my greatest disappointments with Message in the Music is that the underlying plot and sub plot was largely ignored in favor of the main paring. Perhaps this is an issue with the fandom in general? Or perhaps I simply view my work with a wider lens, I'm afforded that luxury, after all I wrote the damn thing.
Whether or not this becomes one of my all-time bests however is of little to no concern. It was a lesson in boundaries and just how far I can push them before the reeds give way, and that's more than worth the flack.
The baku-verse (found
HERE) has been kinda put on hold, and I feel bad for it. The issue with that fic, as opposed to Message, is that the plot is more episodic in nature, each chapter is meant to be both self-contained as well as over-arching. It makes it very difficult to write, I know what I want to happen, I just don't know how to get there yet. For those of you who have been loyal to the baku-verse more will be coming soon, just as soon as I can bridge the gap. I might need a little while to come down from the roller-coaster high that Message in the Music put me on though.
For anyone interested however, the next chapter will be entitled thus; Thy name is Sachiel, Angel of Water.
One final note is that Message in the Music contained a very healthy dose of John/Dean now that I think about it. It might not be obvious at first, but if you look closely it's there, especially in the finale. This was not intended, but otherwise I'm glad it's there. I'm a John/Dean man, and in the wake of my growing disillusionment with Dean/Castiel relationships and the fact that canon is going to give me NO resolution for the two of them, I might even go so far as to say John and Dean might just become OTP for me. I have a very strong kink for older/younger relationships in many sense's of the word, though the jury is out on whether I feel comfortable writing about fictional dad/son incest, but I'm not going to touch on that.
My next project is probably going to be John/Dean, not related by blood mind you, but John and Dean nonetheless. It's going to give me a chance to get a LOT of prompts/ideas off of my chest and explore a new fandom, which is always nifty. For those of you whose curiosity I spark I'll give you a sneak peak at the WIP title of this new series; Make me a man/Save my Soul
In conclusion I'm glad I got to write this. My style of writing is unique to me and (I'll admit) probably not the best for those slash fans who consider themselves faint of heart. My writing can be cruel, unpredictable, and hard to understand, but so is life, and in all things I try to capture that essence to deliver a truly tumultuous, satisfying read. In the future I'll simply have to be more careful about warnings and tags, not because I personally give a crap, but because getting yelled at (figuratively) and blocked disrupts my zen, and no zen means no writing. Haters gonna hate but it still hurts.
I don't know who will read this, if anyone, but I'll be giving more updates as they come. Thank you for being a part of my (virtual) life and remember, comments give me power!!!