Title: Namesake
Rating: T
Fandom: Firefly
Summary: Jayne put extreme sentimental value on his favorite gun, but revisiting the past reveals there is more to Vera than just a name.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7722746/10/Namesake Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 11
Marjory chased after Vera in a frenzy, the young seamstress watching the hem of her finest creation trailing through the dirt. It was a gorgeous garment, fitting snug against Vera's body, made perfectly for her patron and guaranteed to impress. The pearlescent lilac fabric shimmered in the sunlight, giving Vera an ethereal glow. Showcasing the town's craft, the milky skin of her torso served as a backdrop for the dress' intricately knit bodice made from the softest yarns and most vibrant dyes. It was beautiful and delicate, but that didn't stop Vera from dashing into the dusty town streets.
Coop handed Jayne a bottle filled with amber liquid, and throwing his rifle over his shoulder Jayne leaned his back against a fence post and took a swig. The sun was high in the sky and the townsfolk were busy hustling around the ranch, too occupied with their workload to notice much of anything else. Jayne gulped down another mouthful of whiskey. He used to be just like them, but he smiled at the realization that he was finally free.
It was different being a part of Bing's crew. People looked at him differently, if they looked at him at all. He liked the way they turned their heads away when he passed, but still stared at him through the corners of their eyes. There was a certain power that came from taking a man's life, and certain respectability when it was being done for money. Under Coop's tutelage, he learned the trade- when to take a shot, where it'll hurt the most, who to bluff and who was doing the bluffing. And he seemed to have a knack for it.
"And could you believe it...tried to bring his mama into it!" Jayne cackled, offering the bottle back to Coop.
The hard man climbed atop the fence and sat, accepting the drink and shoving it to his cracked lips. "Cowards like that will blame anyone t' get out of payin' their dues."
"He sure paid, all right. Should've kept me a souvenir."
"Y'know, we started callin' Benjien the tooth fairy on account that he saves some teeth from every man he does in. Fills old brass casings of them huge .808 knuckle drags he likes to shoot and keeps 'em lined on his shelf like shiny trophies. Seven teeth to a jacket."
"I ain't ever heard y'all call him that."
"Don't say it to his face, lest you want them pretty pearly whites stuffed in a shell."
"Is that what it takes to get rid of a nickname?" Jayne remarked with a snort.
"You ain't ever gonna shake Clydesdale. At least that's more of a man's name," Coop replied. "B'sides, the only collections worth having are weapons. The rest are useless sentimental garbage. Teeth, ears, jewelry, pebbles, or little glass figurines ain't gonna stop someone from slittin' your throat. But if you defeat a man and take his weapon, that sure as hell makes a statement to next piece of mi tian gong that finds himself wantin' a fight."
Jayne nodded, thankful for the lesson, and as he rested his elbows casually back against the fence, he squinted through the flare of the bright sun to find himself facing a glowing figure floating in his direction. Blinking his eyes, he raised his hand to his brow to block the glare. To his surprise, it was Vera running towards him, her long locks of hair unbridled and whipping through the wind. She exuded an unfamiliar femininity, and as she neared, his jaw unhinged, his palms grew sweaty, and his chest swelled.
She greeted the men with a coy smile, brushing her hair out of her face and throwing her hands on her hips. Marjory finally caught up, out of breath and about to give Vera hell, but upon noticing Coop and Jayne, the curly-haired girl lowered her eyes and sunk into silence.
"Where'd you get that fancy dress, Girl?" Coop laughed.
"Marjory made it. Daddy said I got t' wear somethin' fine for when they send someone from the Companion's Guild to see me. How do I look?" she asked with a playful curtsy.
"Like a little angel," Jayne said bashfully, trying his best not to stare.
Watching Vera's face light up, Coop finished the bottle of whiskey in one gulp and threw it at her feet. "Guess there's only so much you can do to dress up trash."
"Why you always got t' be so cruel?" Vera spat, clenching her fists.
"Not cruel, just honest," taunted Coop. "You think just 'cos your daddy knows somebody who knows somebody that they'll be acceptin' you, turnin' you into some sort of princess? Ain't gonna happen, sweetheart- they're just humorin' the lot of you to keep business civil."
"It ain't that! Miss Caroline says I got potential!"
"Quite a teacher you got there, helpin' you real well with that proper speakin'," he mocked her. "I seen them companion training houses and they start 'em younger than you, and believe me, bao bei, they got twelve year olds that are built better. Sure, your momma had a nice set of curves and legs that went on for miles, but as far as I can see, you got your daddy's genes and no fancy dress will help that sort of ugly."
Vera's cheeks grew flush and tears formed in her eyes, but she kept a stiff lip. Coop's face twisted into a smug grin, and pulling a tin from his pocket, he indifferently shoved a pinch of chewing tobacco into his mouth.
Jayne furrowed his brow and swallowed hard, turning to Coop with a sneer. "Tell her you didn't mean that."
Bearing his blackened teeth, Coop hopped down from the fence and forced his barrel-like body into Jayne's space. "What'd you say, Boy?"
With his shoulders squared, Jayne looked down at the brute's mangled face. "I said you should apologize."
Suddenly, Coop pulled his gun from his holster, flinging his hand through the air and forcefully whipping Jayne in the face with the barrel. Jayne fell dazed onto his back as blood poured from a deep gash on his cheek. Vera leapt onto Coop from behind, looping her arms around his neck, but he easily shook her loose and shoved her into the dirt. Marjory grabbed on to Vera's arm, urging her away as Coop kicked Jayne square in the stomach and aimed his revolver. Jayne's eyes grew wide, finding himself looking down the barrel of Coop's gun.
"One last lesson for ya, Clydesdale- fightin' for the honor of some whore you're oglin' gets you nowhere but dead in a ditch."
"Zao gao! What is going on?" Mikas screamed, rushing up on the commotion.
Coop raised a lazy eyelid. "Boy gave me lip."
"Put it away, Coop. Bing ain't gonna be happy that you done in his workhorse without his permission."
The hard, little man stuffed his gun begrudgingly back into its holster. "'Till I get permission then," he growled, spitting a glob of tobacco stained phlegm onto Jayne's face.
Watching Coop stomp away, Mikas pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, perching down on his heels and handing it to Jayne. Still shaken, Jayne wiped his face and grimaced. Vera scrambled to his side, taking the handkerchief from his trembling fingers and tenderly placing it on the bloody, open wound.
"Get on out of here- you'll muss up your dress," Mikas shooed her away. "I'll see that he gets stitched up."
The gun blast from the valley perked Vera's attention. Distracted, she pushed up forcefully on Jayne's chest and he reluctantly rolled over with an unsatisfied groan.
"C'mon now- it ain't nothin'," he said hazily, advancing towards her again. "Probably one of them kingsnakes diggin' itself out of the ridge just gone and startled someone."
Vera's eyes grew wide as she listened. There was a murmured hollering, and then another round fired, and another, and another. "That ain't no snake…"
Shoving him aside, she jumped down from his bed, quickly gathering up her clothes. Watching her cover up those fine curves, the careless pleasure faded from Jayne's face. Trading one vice for another, he pulled himself to his feet, adjusted his belt, and consulted his weapon collection. His choices were limited- his shoulder was too tender to withstand the recoil of a long gun, and so he decided on a steady six-shooter, a large barreled pistol that he knew was reliable in a fire-fight, and a few grenades for good measure.
He wormed his injured arm into a t-shirt and through the sleeve of his large, drab jacket, never taking his eyes off of Vera as her fingers nimbly buttoned up her blouse. Slinging her rifle over her shoulder, she rushed to the door, only to run into the thick of Jayne's arm barring the exit. She bounced back, catching herself on her heels as Jayne protectively blocked her path and quietly peered out into the hall first. With no immediate trouble in sight, he signaled her to follow, holding his gun ready as he cautiously trod through the ship. The commotion grew louder, crisper, more dire as they neared the cargo bay and they threw their backs against the wall at the approaching sound of rapid footsteps.
Wash turned the corner in a frenzy, nearly jumping out of his skin at the unexpected sight of Jayne ready to pounce. Exhaling in relief and knowing fair well that he was about to take out a member of his own crew, Jayne playfully patted Wash on the shoulder to ease him. "What in the 'verse is goin' on?"
"I don't know. Some sort of ambush," the pilot replied with urgency. "Zoe is holdin' em off at the door. Mal's out there somewhere. I'm hoping I can get a view up on the bridge to see where they're coming from."
"They're coming from the hills," Vera growled. "He chu-sheng za-jiao de zang-huo! If they get a hold of them explosives…"
Jayne's expression twisted into a snarl. "I don't know 'bout you, but I ain't too thrilled by the idea of bein' blown to bits in this ruttin' crag."
"Stay close to the ship," advised Wash, backing away. "If it gets as bad as she's implying it might get, I'm taking the first opportunity I can to pull us out of here."
Jayne replied with forceful nod as they parted. Vera kept on his heels, holding her rifle snug against her chest as he lead her along the gantry and down into the cargo bay. A crisp breeze blew through the open door, giving the outdoors an inviting illusion that was soon shattered by the jarring bang of haphazard gunshots echoing in the night. Zoe stood guarding the entry with a gun held firmly in each hand while Book flanked the other side of the door, the weapon in his arms a sharp contrast from his attire. But more out of place than the preacher was the finely dressed doctor clamoring to get outside.
"You're not stepping a foot off of this boat," Zoe said forcefully, blocking the doctor's path.
Simon's shoulders tensed as his eyes skirted around. "I can't find River anywhere. She's not on the ship. I have to find her."
"If she's out there, the Captain will see she gets back safe and sound," Book assured him.
"She's my responsibility, not the Captain's!" pleaded Simon, wringing his hands frantically.
Zoe sighed, unmoving. "And it's my responsibility is to hold our ground until everyone is safe inside."
A barrage of bullets ricocheted across the door-frame, sending Simon crouching with his head between his knees. Zoe stepped around the corner quickly, sending shots back towards the enemy.
"Yeah, Doc. You best be playin' it safe," Jayne laughed as he approached, meeting the young doctor's sneer with a condescending snort.
"I think the same goes for you," Book turned to Jayne, raising his brow. "It was only earlier this evening that the fine doctor here was treating your wounds. You're in no condition to be out there."
"Ah, I'm fine. I ain't gonna let a scratch keep me out of a scuffle."
"Bad enough we got Mal out in this mess," Zoe scowled, bracing herself as more shots pinged against the ship's metal exterior. "Worst part is we can't even tell where they're positioned."
Vera listened into the night, kneeling as she pulled a handful of large brass cartridges from her pocket and loaded them quickly into her rifle's magazine. "Sounds like they got a man up on Skimwater Cliff...that's less than a hundred yards away. If I can get some height out of the valley, I can take him down."
Jayne squinted his eyes, peering out into the darkness. "There's a ridge at 2 o'clock. Might be high enough for ya. If you think you can make it, I'll cover you.
Vera nodded with assurance, locking the magazine in place with a sharp click. "I'm ready to dance...are you?"
Running his fingers through his beard, a lascivious grin crept onto Jayne's face. "With you darlin', I'm always ready."
"Just go," Zoe groaned, nauseated by the promiscuous glint in his eye.
Taking a deep breath, Vera leapt through the door, landing in the dust with a graceful tumble. Jayne followed with a smile and the pair sprinted out into the chaos, ducking and dodging and meeting fire with fire.
"So you're just going to let him out there?" Simon shook his head, hearing Jayne whooping in the distance. "What happened to your responsibility?"
Zoe's eyes slid towards Simon's disapproving glare. "I make it a point not to be responsible for anything Jayne does."
The mule was left unattended, but the heavy cases strapped on top remained untouched. Mal leaned his back against the large stump of a fallen tree, periodically raising his revolver and shooting fiercely at anyone attempting to get near the cargo. Mikas had squeezed himself into a crevice along the stony landscape, firing unseen and keeping the slew of rogue mercenaries at bay.
Mal figured there were only about seven of them - two in the hills, four in motion within the valley, and one down and out with a bullet lodged in his gut - but the ones still standing had a plan and sure as hell were prepared. Wiping sweat from his brow, Mal found himself dropping his last six rounds into his gun's chamber.
To his surprise, Jayne dove down beside him and slid in the dirt, crouching behind the stump and cramping the little space Mal had to keep covered.
"Fancy seein' you here," Mal raised his brow, somewhat relieved.
"I usually like my fightin' before gettin' sexed, but I'll take what I can get."
"What do we got out there?"
"Hard t' say. Can't see much. At least ten of 'em…"
A blast from the ridge whizzed across the valley followed by a dense thud of a body falling from the neighboring cliff.
"...At least nine of 'em," Jayne corrected himself. "Good news is that their shots are lazy. They're just out here causin' a ruckus. We got Vera up there watchin' our backs...I say we take the moment and hightail it."
"With the additional cover, we're gonna hop the mule and drive it on in to Serenity for safe keeping."
"This gorram job is endless," Jayne groaned.
"On three. One...two..."
Suddenly, a small aircraft vessel whizzed through the sky, halting and hovering over the mule. It had four quick rotors and danced in the air, lowering a mechanical claw down from its belly. Jayne fired a few shots, but its stiff metal casing repelled every bullet.
"What the hell is that?"Jayne growled, quickly reloading his gun.
Mal stared at the piece of technology, his eye twitching as he begged his mind for a brilliant plan. "Adrone...must be remotely piloted…but ain't never seen one that fast before."
"Can't be that fast..." grunted Jayne as he reached down and pulled a grenade from his belt.
"Ta ma de!" Mal shouted, swatting the grenade from the mercenary's hands before he could pull the pin. "That's a pile of explosives out there! You'll do us all in!"
Jayne gritted his teeth, but before he could argue, the drone spit a tin canister in their direction and in a matter of seconds, the area was shielded by, thick, bellowing smoke. Mal squinted, trying to see through the screen as Jayne haphazardly fired towards the sound heavy footsteps surrounding the cargo. The movements were quick and calculated, and Mal kept a wary eye on Jayne and his grenade. As the smoke began to clear, they watched the drone fly up into the mountains, hoisting the heavy cases along with it and leaving nothing behind but the empty mule.
The valley was blanketed by an eerie calm. Mikas swatted though the remaining smoke in an attempt to clear the air as he stepped back out into the open. He watched Jayne and Mal flocking around the mule, circling it cautiously and inspecting it for damage. The cargo was gone and the loss stung Mikas' pride as much as his wallet. Cursing under his breath, he pulled a clean handkerchief from his waistcoat pocket and as he wiped gunpowder residue from his fingers, the sound of a sharp cackle stopped him in his stride. Hunched in the dirt, a grimy man sat with an arm draped over a bolder and a hand cupped over the large, bloody bullet hole in his stomach. Despite his sorry shape, he smiled through blackened teeth and his body shook with a wheezing laughter.
"What're y'all schemin'?" Mikas barked, meeting the wounded man's eyes with a scowl.
"Y' like that? We got an investor. Real interested in our work. Real interested in what you're runnin' here."
"Jian ta de gui! No one's taken my town!"
"Shouldn't have cheated us then, Boss."
The wounded man's smile ran ear to ear. Mikas furrowed his brow in anger and swiftly pulled his gun from his side, sending a bullet burrowing between the man's laughing eyes. Mal and Jayne raised their heads cautiously at the sound, but Mikas waved towards them, tucking his pistol back in its holster.
"Nothin' to worry 'bout," he called out to put them at ease. "Found one still alive- tried to draw on me!"
With an understanding nod, Jayne and Mal put their attention back on the mule, starting it and taking solace in the small victory that the thing still worked.
Vera shuffled down the ridge, throwing her gun in the sling over her shoulder. The night was peaceful again and in the light of the ship, she could see the captain, her brother, and Jayne regrouping. She tucked a loose hair behind her ear, and paused. A soft murmuring came from the bushes- quick and frantic - "...ramifications are...the compromise of the negative pressure...can't equalize with the atmosphere...drowning on land..."
Cautiously, Vera peered through the foliage and into the clearing. There was a girl, holding her legs, rocking in the dirt and muttering nonsense - and beside her, a body doubled over on the ground.
A sharp pang hit Vera's gut and she ran to the boy's side, shoving River away and turning Victor onto his back. His chest was soaked red with blood, his face had turned blue, and he convulsed in pain, gasping desperately for air. With a curdling wail, Vera scooped him into her arms, holding his head and trying to get his eyes to focus. "No, baby, no, no...look at me…look at me! Help! Someone! Help!"
A herd of footsteps clamored from behind in a wave of confusion. Mikas fell to his knees next to his sister, hovering over the boy and assessing his injury. Mal turned to Jayne with a silent command, sending him riding back to the ship on the mule and returning with Simon and the stretcher. Vera raised her head as Simon approached and letting the boy out of her trembling arms, Mikas and Mal carefully moved Victor onto the stretcher.
"Drowning!" River cried, watching her brother examine the boy.
"His lung has been punctured," Simon spoke flatly, quickly rifling through his medical bag and pulling out a large needle. "I need to release the air trapped in his chest...stand back."
Jayne held Vera back by her shoulders, feeling her tense as Simon worked meticulously, attaching a small valve onto the needle and then plunging it into Victor's chest. There was a gush of air and a gasp as Victor inhaled a breath, but soon after his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body went limp.
"Let go of me! Let go!" Vera howled, squirming to break free from Jayne's grip.
Jayne held her tighter, crossing his arms across her chest and whispering into her ear. "Calm yourself. Ain't no use gettin' all hysterical-like. Let the doc do his job."
"He needs surgery and he needs it now," Simon said, putting pressure on the chest wound. "I can stabilize him back on the ship, but I need supplies and trained hands to assist with that kind of procedure."
"We got a good physician back on the homestead," Mikas piped in. "He'll get you anything you need."
Mal grimaced, watching Simon stick a thin plastic tube down Victor's throat, becoming morbidly mesmerized by a small contraption -inflating and then deflating- that was keeping the kid breathing. "How close can we land to town?" he asked, turning towards Mikas.
"Half-mile or so- I'll have my doc meet us ready to board."
"Go on ahead- tell Zoe you need to send an emergency wave," the captain instructed, sending Mikas off in a swift sprint back towards Serenity.
Jayne released Vera from his hold, and throwing her an assuring nod, he helped Mal hoist the stretcher up onto the mule.
"Simon?" Mal called, offering the doctor his seat.
"Go on ahead. Take him to the infirmary," Simon replied, packing up his medical kit. "I'll only be a moment…I just need to get River."
"Well, hurry up and leave that unhinged sister of yours if you gotta!" Jayne barked, keeping the unconscious boy steady as they drove away.
Vera's breath quivered and she grabbed Simon's wrist, forcing him to stop and look into her tearful eyes. "Please, please save him. He's my son...he's all I got."
"I'll do my best," Simon said softly placing his hand gently on top of hers.
To his surprise, his touch made her recoil, and as she put on a stiff stone facade, she tipped her chin and turned to catch up with the others. Her coldness made him shudder, and collecting his composure, he anxiously scanned his surroundings.
"River, quickly!" Simon called for his sister, who had disappeared during the excitement. "There's no time for games!"
"Everyone is playing games. Hiding. Telling lies. Living untruths," River replied, sneaking up on her brother from behind. "For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost...So sad. I like the little Jayne better than the big one."
Continue to Chapter 12