Jun 23, 2005 09:26
well i now oficialy hate this blockbuster that i work at they suck and are all assholes almost everyone there is
krissy is right the blockbusters are crapy around here
heres the story i used to work days and my boss only wanted me days she told me and my dad that they would work around my school scedual i know things change and that but yea so the owners then only wanted one person working days untile schools let out so i worked nights but i told them that would have to end june 30 and she said thats fine and i usualy work with her so she knows i have bills to pay and that i live on my own i am one of the best empolyees there i never have called in sick and i never complain about anything i do what i am told and stuff that i am not told eather so i look at my scedual and starting graduation she only scedualed me ONE fucked day 5 hours a week and then i had to take a vactaion the next so my pay check was next to nothing and then when i came back she only scedualed me 11 hours i was really pissed but i thought it was a fluk and that everything would get better so then i look last night and i am only working 9 fucken hours a week oh i was about to quite right then and there bc thats being disrespectful to me not a fluk that is flagrent disrespect so i have been applying everywhere that is hiring to get a new job to where i cant work nights bc i have school if this had of happend like two months ago i could have change my school scedual to where i went during the day but now i cant change it so my boss pulls this shit on me well if they are going to fuck with me i am fucking back last night someone came in asking for an application i told them they dont want to work here trust me and i am going to say that every time someone ask for an application i need to pay off my account today so when i do get a new job i can just drop my stuff off and leave without them haveing to call me again untile my pay check comes